role play pick up lines

Other than being the WORST pick-up line in the history of cinema, romance, and words, it turned out to be the BEST role-play in the history of cinema, romance, and words. The majority of C-Level executives face similar challenges and demands, have similar thought processes and certainly similar motivators. It’s great if you end up teasing each other with a few funny one-liners. Then you ask her what she enjoys (‘to get her great energy’), which leads to a whole other conversation. This role-play exercise helps a rep sharpen many tools at once –– in particular, the ability to interact successfully with the many personas they’ll work with within your target organizations. The next person in line will begin their statement using the last three words of the previous person’s statement. This is the ultimate list of all the dirtiest pick up lines we could find. I call my dick Notorious, cause it's B.I.G. Walk over and while grabbing your shirt say “Excuse me, do you know what material this is?” Then pause for a moment while she looks at you and thinks up a response. Of course you’ll want to smile, to indicate you mean ‘trouble’ in a good, somewhat cute way. This exercise isn’t for the faint of heart and should definitely be reserved for those strong teams that can handle a bit of heat. Feedback is how role-plays create behavioral change in reps, and there is a “right way” to do it. The expression on that other guy’s face was priceless when the two get it on over laundry. If you can, open the door when he gets home from work and hit him with this pick up line. Even the best messages and objection responses can be done in by a lack of enthusiasm, speaking too fast/slow, and using words that are insider-speak or used to boost the perceived intelligence of the rep. An excellent way to ensure you are listening closely for these characteristics is to create a scorecard for each session. Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I’m around you So what I’ve done is make two lists: one for the guys and one for the ladies. You’re making me self conscious!” You can bet that a girl who is making solid eye contact with you will be able to see the humor in this approach. Pick up lines from the female perspective... Ladies, try these out at the bar, these are some great pick up lines for girls to use on guys. “You’re so beautiful, you just made me forget my pickup line.” For a flirtatious girl this line is perfect. Have the rep begin a role-play based on the exact scenario just played for the team. Work on wordsmithing and delivery until the rep has a strong grasp of the skills. Pick Up Lines Galore! Hearing you talk dirty about your secret role-playing ideas will excite him, because he will realize that his own fantasies aren’t taboo either… and that’s when the fun can really begin! Pick up lines are not just about throwing something out and expecting a miraculous connection. Threesomes. You can see on this list that there are 400 dirty pick up lines to say to a guy or girl that range from vanilla to dirty AF. I have seriously gone out of pick up lines. You first tell her you have great energy. Wanna play Tic-Tac-Toe?, I'll shove a tic tac up your pussy and try to give you 3 O's in a row. 40 Funniest Pick-Up Lines For Nurses. After she responds to your question, simply introduce yourself and get the conversation rolling. If you already know her name, this pickup line is an easy way to get the conversation rolling. “You’re so beautiful, you just made me forget my pickup line.” A classic way to give a compliment without coming on too strong, is the ‘you’re so beautiful that…” line. These flirty police related pick up lines can be also used as some romantic one liners. Are you actually a cop or in a relationship with a police officer? This produces more creative thinking for the reps, helping them to develop quality delivery in their own voice. The responses you can get from this line are endless, but it perfectly sets the tone for a very flirtatious conversation. (This can be a dirty pick up line to get closer to the girl you want.) Just respond with ‘Oh, anyways, how is your night going.” It’s an easy way to get her talking without coming on too strongly. It’s an easy way to get her name right off the bat. 1. If you have a large team, break them up into manageable chunks, letting everyone know that their time will come. It is one thing to act out a persona during a role-play. To get you started, here are the 15 best pickup lines for men that will actually work to help you meet more women. They can also help you build out your own programs to maximize your time and effort spent training your teams. The goal here is to help the rep correct their own mistakes. However, these cheesy pick up lines may work wonders for you. Truly consider the persona and scenario you are working within. It may take a moment for her to get it but once she does you’ll come off as beyond charming. You will see two example role-play exercises. Anyone with a good sense of humor will appreciate them. Cause I can teach you how to scream. Then use them to test your reps rapid-response abilities and train their skills in overcoming them. It’s an entirely different thing to seek out the exact persona within your organization and invite them to participate. So here are a few different role play plot ideas. If the rep nails it, the role-play continues, leading to objections and other opportunities for the rep to get it just right or get out of the hot seat. Go back to your home ground- heaven. Positioning statements and objection responses are definitely important parts of role-plays, but far from the only parts. Each time, the objection and response must be unique. The first few “lines” of your role play might feel awkward or silly - and that’s OK. It’s mind-blowing how little attention is paid to doing them right. Back to: Pick Up Lines. The sales leader conducts the ideal role-play, objection responses, conversational tactics, and. That’s why this exercise needs to be repeated regularly! Here’s how most sales role-play exercises go: The manager gathers the team and exclaims (with just a bit too much excitement) the plan to do some role-playing. But this gives you the chance to continue to an introduction next. Set your team up for maximum success by planning practice time in advance. There is no one ‘best pickup line’ but there are many that are best for certain situations and for certain men. You can playfully go up and tell her she looks like trouble. This improv comedy technique will help reps learn to pay attention to what others are saying, instead of living within their own agendas and planned responses. This is gold: the secret sauce where the rep finally steps into the cage for batting practice. Some women might use this pick up line: ‘Stunning, athletic, smart, available and can cook!’ at which point the man would say ‘But I can’t cook’ and the women will reply ‘I wasn’t talking about you’. Of course, this line is better left for later nights out than talking to a girl you see in the street. A variation on this is to require the next rep in line to pick up exactly where the last rep left off. Choose at least one channel to follow. Cheesy Pick-Up Lines . Ha. Now, it’s your time to make a move. Don’t allow a rep to continue past a real hiccup. Make the time for it, build your practice facilities, and transform your teams into a well-oiled closing machine! Encourage peer coaching during these brawls, and even to add a competitive twist by rewarding points and prizes to reps who can successfully correct the call. Gather the team in your boardroom. Use this experience to become the customer for your training partner. This video was filmed at MCC. You can practise role-plays and learn a proven framework to pass ANY role-play in our Role-Play Masterclass. 50). The idea is exactly the same as warming up before an inning at bat: A batter will swing a weighted bat before stepping up to the plate. Someone said you were looking for me.” She’ll likely answer ‘no’ and from there you can start the flirting game. The third is worse. It not only provides a great field for practicing rapid fire objection response, but allows team members to hear ideas, engage in peer coaching, and shake off some nerves through a shared experience. Simply walk over and say, “Hi ____. Anytime a leader has to consider implementing a new idea, they come to the “build vs. buy” conundrum. It could lead to some great role-playing, too. ... Do you play the trumpet because you make me horny. NOTE: A great side effect of “Boardroom Brawl” and “Extreme Conditions (Hot Seat)” is the softening of Ego that can wreck a salesperson’s ability to improve their skills and natural talents. If you are at this crossroad and tend to follow the “buy” approach, reach out to the guys over at Provide your reps (or have your reps provide you) with the framework and intended goals for each practice session. You’ll quickly learn a hobby she enjoys and you can use that to keep the conversation rolling. Oftentimes, they're creepy to the point of deserving a slap. So, it’s best to make sure you’re not interrupting an important conversation or taking her away from something important before saying it. If she does closely resemble a certain actress she might say yes to you, but chances are she’ll say no. Then say you would like to meet her, and ask if she has a friend who can introduce you. This classic pickup line is direct, yet charming and accomplishes two important tasks. First it allows you to compliment her indirectly, by saying she’s gorgeous. Try this opener when she’s in a relaxed, flirtatious environment. pick-up line that lets them know you're interested. Share on Facebook. But it’s dangerous to go alone. Continue until you have circled the entire group, or for a specified period of time. Music Pick Up Lines. If you’re trying to impress a girl, these pick up lines are proven to ease a tension between the two of you. A variation on this is to require the next rep in line to pick up exactly where the last rep left off. Simply walk up and ask her “You look so familiar to me. Do you like heavy metal? Proper sales practice is not a once-a-week or once-a-month activity. Now perform the role-play, provide the feedback, and start from the top. Once they drop the weighted bat and pick up the normal one, it feels incredibly light and can be moved through the swing plane at an incredible rate. Can work as a pick up line on its own, but is definitely useful if he's been teasing you all night long. To begin, the sales leader will outline the rules. Tools such as and can provide insights into trouble spots in your reps’ talk tracks, tactics, and delivery. The following Cute Pick-Up Lines have been chosen as favorites. Make sure it's at least 8 characters and includes uppercase, lowercase and a symbol (!@#$%^&*). It not only works out the “what” you say but the “how” and “why” as well. The first exercise covers the most obvious objections that everybody already knows how to handle. Begin by calling out a rep, then hurling a common objection heard during your team’s calls. Name a few generic ones, such as ‘What’s your sign?’ and then include the first sentence you just said as the last option. Pickup lines are notoriously associated with college guys and drunken bar-boys trying to chat up a woman. Alternatively, for women who are more outgoing and energetic using the direct approach with short, conclusive one-liners will generally work best. This will ensure the rep develops along the correct pathways and with proper timing. This can continue for many cycles if the sales leader really wants to turn the heat up. Typically the sales leader is the final judgment for timing, response quality, and originality versus other responses. Allow the rep to provide feedback, or comment on what they thought worked well or not at all. Since keeping your sales role-play exercises as close to the real-world as possible is key to its success, having a rep prepare for the role-play as they would a real sales call is in line with this directive. But more generally, these findings suggest that in situations where individuals are naturally depleted (e.g., at the end of the work day or while consuming alcohol), feelings of depletion may play a real, but unconscious role in one’s receptiveness to pick-up lines. If in a group, either segment into smaller groups, or play with the whole group, “telephone” style. All in all, it’s best to have a few pickup lines up your sleeve to pull out and use to meet different women. I got a screw driver. You are on fire. All lines are ordered after most upvotes by our community of several thousand voters. You compliment her first, “I can’t stop looking at how gorgeous you are.” and then you ask the kissing question. Finally, debrief the session with the rep. This pickup line, when executed correctly can work wonders. It's all fun and games until I drop my panties on the floor. There are always outliers, but you’ll be far better prepared if you focus your improvement efforts on the majority. But never forget the Normal Curve. It can be performed in a large group, or with as few as 2 people. I’d never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m not that pretty but damn look at you. Dirty Pick-Up Lines. This should be an obvious one: Turn the role-play around for the rep, allowing them to assume the position of the prospect. I believe you have a package for me. I think you got the nicest ass ever. Hit on a policeman or police woman in a casual setting like a coffee shop and such. So if you do use a pick up line, make sure you have … It’s sure to make her grin and give her a little boost of confidence. When you do use these pick up lines, you should use your creativity and wit to charm that person. These raunchy, inappropriate, dirty pick up lines probably won’t earn you a date — but they will definitely earn you a laugh. As reps improve, reduce role-plays to 3 times per week, then 2, then 1 if they are really getting dialed in. The pickup lines we just saw also work when starting a conversation with a girl in a supermarket, in a mall, in shops, in the hallway to the metro, and so on.. It’s up to you to adapt your level of energy depending on the place where you open the girl:. Have them simply be who they are, and treat your sales team as they would the numerous salespeople who are attempting to connect with them every single day. Many people turn to roleplay as a fun way to use characters, whether they're original or from a fandom. Proceed with caution and pick the ones you might use depending on what you want to achieve. If you’re playing the eye-contact game with a girl across the room already, this is a perfect line to use. We listed some ideas below, but feel free to do a little extra research to find something more specific to your deepest, darkest desires. In fact, you can bet your bottom dollar that anything sexual or overtly cheesy is going to have your woman rolling her eyes and laughing to her girlfriends about you later. SEE MORE: The Amazing World Of Roleplay On Tumblr. Pick A Fantasy Together. This line shows your personality and confidence in talking about something besides her looks. Keep in mind, the goal and tactics for the rep should largely remain the same, save for any tweaks from feedback. Wanna fix something up? Sales is difficult. If your team targets C-Level prospects regularly, go grab your C-Suite (they probably aren’t very busy anyway…) and bring them into your sales training! Funny Pick Up Lines. For starters, if you’re the kind of person who’s deeply curious about what porn your boyfriend watches but feel you can’t ask (relationships with “boundaries” are so cute), any discussion about role-play should give you a good starting hint. You can break them out whenever there is a lull in conversation with your friends or whenever you want to break the ice with someone new. The second exercise is too fake to learn from. Their effect can vary depending on the guy’s or girl’s interest. Pickup lines are a tricky business. RELATED: Winning Sales Training Advice from a Long-Time Test Prep Instructor. It’s a much better approach than simply introducing yourself and asking what she does for a living. Role-play is meant to benefit both partners, so try to come up with an idea that will get each of you aroused and ready to get down. This also provides opportunities for competitions and incentives tied to intentional improvement. Yes, everyone is different. We’ll credit your contributions using your username. It’s time to take role-play seriously. This one puts the ball in her court and let’s her respond with a flirty answer of her own. The great thing about starting with a cute pick up line is that it sets a playful tone, and allows your crush to respond in a similar vein. For people who are on the front line of providing patient care, this can spell more problems. Make eye contact back and forth teasingly for a few minutes. It'd a fun escape for many people but what happens when you run out of ideas to do? At the beginning of the role-play (once the goal of the session is defined), the person playing the prospect will draw a piece of paper from the hat and adopt the qualities written on it. In either scenario, the player in the buyer’s seat has to lay down the team-member hat and put on the buyer hat. The number of nurses experiencing burnout is quite alarming. (You cannot get any other sexual pick up lines better than this to praise her booty in a better way.) After a round or two, compile the items that worked well and switch seats again. RELATED: Sales Call Script for SDRs: 5 Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Your Prospect. Here, take a video game pick-up line and woo your special someone! The best collection and handwritten clever pick up lines collection on the Internet, they are highly guaranteed to work and impress every time you use them, either on girls or guys. I'm like a musician going to a party, I always make a big entrance and I never cum early. Even the most accomplished salesperson or sales leader has been a customer at some point. 69. ALWAYS keep your feedback kind and encouraging. 183306. Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? Role-play exercises are crucial to developing strong conversational tactics and messaging delivery. Write each one down on a small sheet of paper, fold, and place into a bowl or hat. There has never been a championship team, gold medal Olympian, or Greatest Of All Time that achieved winning status without practice and training. Cute funny pick up line for both guys and girls. Dirty Pick Up Lines That Might Get You Into Trouble I’m not usually into hunting, but I’d love to catch you and mount you all over my house. You can always find something interesting she is holding, doing or wearing and comment on it with a compliment. 10 Role Play Ideas and Scenarios Men are Dying to Try out. I must be dancing with the devil, because you’re hot as hell. 1. Such a pick up line can get a small laugh from the guy but will surely do its job perfectly. 38. If your goal is to equip your sales teams with the highest ability to convert calls and close deals, there is no better way to achieve this than regular, reality-based, and highly structured practice. GET THE HAT I'M WEARING!! She’ll say no, and then you simply say ‘Well then, please start.” After you finish the second part of the pickup line she’ll know you are flirting and likely laugh or have something flirtatious to say back. To avoid the latter, you’ll want to use a pickup line that makes her laugh with you, not at you. Trust me, it will emerge. Of course, there’s a fine line between a good conversation starter and a comically-bad pickup line. Additional coverage of this study: If the rep is progressing nicely with the role-play, provide positive reinforcement by allowing the session to progress towards a win for the rep. Don’t be afraid to pepper in some objections as necessary, but again, reinforce positively by allowing progression if the rep deftly overcomes them. Typically, role-plays are conducted between rep and rep, or rep and manager. Tweet on Twitter. Kara has written for sites that include Elite Daily, PC Mag, Huffington Post, AskMen, Yahoo! This cute pickup line is sure to get her attention. 67. This pickup line gives her one of the best types of compliments by saying she is a beautiful as a famous movie star. If you’re feeling confident try pulling this one off. This also works very well with top sellers demonstrating as the sales leader would. Build your role-play routine based on real-world interactions. What follows is a poorly structured, incredibly awkward, and minimally effective goof-off session. This is another exercise best left to culturally strong, performance-oriented teams. Solicit their feedback on the tactics and have them detail what is important to them with respect to their position, demands, goals, and motivators. No matter what she says, or if she says anything at all, your next step is to simply smile and answer your own question saying, “Boyfriend material.” It’s flirty and bold, and, yes, borderline cheesy, but it’s likely to get a smile out of her and open up the lines of communication. It’s time to role-play! Have a different rep take over after the call is played and handle it in their way. You will have to pick the best saying with the right timing and surrounding. Have we met before?” She’ll respond no, of course. Here’s a secret: Girls say they hate pickup lines, but privately most girls love them. At Roleplay’s “sales gym,” your team can participate in real-world-based sales role-play training led by industry experts and receive feedback from the best in the game today. September 14, 2019. If she’s assertive she’ll likely have a witty response, and if she’s more shy, you’re sure to at least get a smile out of her. When they're not creepy, they're so corny that they warrant an eye roll so gloriously dramatic, sarcastic, and spiteful that the shame-stink of it will haunt you forever, like the spray of a skunk. One person will begin by making a statement. No matter what her response it’s an easy opener that isn’t too aggressive. Your time is over my lady. 1. Know the person that you are spending time with. Provide real-time coaching. I know, you’re having another ‘terror-in-your-heart‘ moment. A certain actress she might say yes to you might say yes to.! 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