blossoms questions and answers

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(3marks), Describe two similar traits demonstrated by both Resian and Taiyo in the excerpt. “One other thing,” he said evenly. not the intoiyenemengalana from Nakuru town?" (2mks), Taiyo visits Joseph’s bachelor house. (3 Mks), Unreliable/traitorous/untrustworthy/pretentious/inhumane/insensitive/brutal/inconsiderate etc, What is the attitude of Resian towards Oloisudori’s proposal? For example, if we say, ” The sky weeps, ” we give the sky the capacity to weep, which is a human quality. "Soon, you will be able to differentiate decent women from intoiyenemengalana. “Is it Yeiyo or Taiyo who spoke to you?”, Determination/optimism. They muse that men must be very angry with her for snatching five hundred girls from her. He asks for trees not to shed their leaves so quickly that their time is not yet gone. True, the incident had taken the sparkle from the day that had begun so joyfully, but they reasoned that it could have been worse. ", Taiyo tried to wrestle her arm from the man's grip without success. (2 mks). “Now listen, you must immediately start counselling the girls to understand their roles as potential wives of the men of Nasila. He winced as if he had been struck. Readers’ questions about Blossoms of the Savannah. Taiyo says a parent can have as many children as they can. And once uttered, she knew, the words instantly became an inviolable edit. “I am just relaxing.”. It was deep and wide. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Before it bears fruits, a tree must bloom. She had then admired the white long overcoats that the handlers wore. She could feel the flesh tearing and she tasted the salt of his blood as it filled her mouth but she clung unto the thumb as Olarinkoi howled with pain. Resian is very much determined to join Egerton University. "Leave my sister alone!" You want to be persuaded, coaxed and pampered to marry Oloisudori Lonkiyaa? (1mk). The very normality of his voice as he spoke those monstrous words was most shocking and disturbing to her. “You and I have not discussed important issues for a long time,” he said with a friendly chuckle that was intended to bring her closer to him. (4Mks), Explain what happens immediately after the excerpt. Her father, who seemed dumbfounded, asked after a long and uncomfortable silence. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Their father was out of the homestead most of the time working at the shop and organizing other business matters. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt: She is regarded so since she criticised and campaigned against girl’s circumcision and early marriage, traditional practices that Nasila people valued. The non – human objects are represented in such a way that we feel that they act like human beings. "His intention could have been worse than rape," she said, tears of anger and indignation welling up in her eyes. This Flowers Quiz is an online test of your knowledge of flowers. Proverb – home is never far from one who is still alive. When they got used to what at first, they considered negative aspects of the Nasila culture, Taiyo and Resian adjusted accordingly and soon they began to live harmoniously with the people. Oloisudori forces them to be allowed to wait for Ole Kaelo who is not around. This is a simple quiz about cottage garden flowers. Whether you scream your heart out, or jump into the deep sea, Resian, you are mine. Sorry I will not do that! “You silly thing,” he thundered angrily. Blossoms of the Savannah is a novel that leads to victory. The poet is disappointed to see how early the bloom of the flowers disappears. Joseph says he is ready to face any eventuality that may arise out of love. The poet wants that the lovely blossoms should stay for a long time to beautify the planet, but it doesn’t happen. She hesitated, but could not hold herself any more. At thirty, she was already managing an expansive government sheep ranch reputed to hold hundreds of thousands of sheep, about one hundred kilometres away from Nasila. Resian is full of optimism that one day she would join Egerton university. Then the truth came, and with it, terror and panic. (4Mks), Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. “You are quite right, Papaai.” Resian answered eyeing him curiously. His eyes held hers as he smiled broadly. Resian stared at him unblinkingly as he walked towards her and she backed off terrified, squeezing herself flatly against the wall. She sobs uncontrollably. Do you?”, “Not really, my husband,” she said ruefully, beating a hasty retreat. They remember their discussion with their aunt and admire Minik’s fight against women oppression by men. “You may not want to tell me what is happening, but Iam not foolish and I can put one and one together. But seeing her father’s face cloud, she added quickly. Determination – Resian is determined not to be married to Oloisudori, hence decides to run away. Tell me Yeiyo, what use is FGM to today’s woman?”. To perfume the sleep of the dead.” i) Do you think that the role of the flower girls is justified? You are stark mad if you think I am your wife. Knowledge (Remembering) These types of questions test the students’ ability to memorize and to recall terms, facts and details without necessarily understanding the concept. She took several long steadying breaths and then said, “I cannot accept that a culture that does not feed, clothe or house me comes to control my life. The beautiful blossoms of a tree are personified in the poem. She is feeling disappointed and desperate of her father’s action of receiving dowry with an aim of sealing her marriage with Oloisudori. (1Mk), A part from irony, discuss any other aspect of style evident in the excerpt. Why does the poet compare human life to blossoms? What is the “pity” referred to in the second stanza? Central idea: The poem “ To Blossoms ” tells us that all living things must blur. Resian thought how wonderful it would be, had she had a chance to enroll at the Egerton University and after graduation had a chance to work with her role model, Minik ene Nkoitoi, the Emakererei at the sheep ranch that she managed. GK Questions for Kids between 8-10 years. It brings out Taiyo’s interrogative nature. (3 marks), Where had the family been living before and why did they move? Learn how your comment data is processed. (3mks), How is Oloisudori portrayed in this excerpt? Click the button below to download the full Blossoms of the Savannah pdf document, with all the topics. He accepts to be the contact man in the mission of rescuing Taiyo. Love. (2Mks), Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions used in the excerpt. Which yellow, pink-flushed rose was bred by Meilland in 1945? ", "Let go of my hand," Taiyo demanded, trembling with anger. 9 questions answered. But Nasila culture dictates who are related and who are not. This transitory characteristic of human beings is also shared by the flowers. Mustering all her strength, she thrust his thumb the flesh like a ferocious animal and tenaciously held onto it, tugging at it fiercely like a lioness. The poet wonders, “Why did nature bring such beautiful blossoms if they were to fade away swiftly?” He laments over the rapidly decaying flowers of the tree that fall so early, but the time has not passed. He wore a pair of faded jeans and a dirty blue shirt. What is the common name for the antirrhinum? Both Resian and Taiyo are bold enough to confront the man with knobkerrie. She thinks it is the reason why her father has called her. Resian did not understand has intention until he began unfastening her with his rough trembling hands, (Any correct and well-illustrated character trait). “What do you mean?” he asked, suddenly sitting up. Which hanging basket favourite is also called pelargonium? It is ironical for Resian to think that her father is going to tell her about her dream wish of joining Egerton University but he has plans to marry her off to his friend Oloisudori. That’s it!’ she thought triumphantly. Answers: Onam. The ancient Ilarinkon were sadists and despotic. Olarinkoi thinks that he has the right to molest Resian just because she is a woman. Give the character traits of the following: Discuss a theme implied in the extract. Place the excerpt in its immediate context. Explain two styles that the writer has used in the excerpt. So in annoyance, he says, ” Why do you fall so fast?”. Heredity and Evolution HOTS Questions With Answers. (6marks), Discuss two stylistic devices used by the author in the excerpt. If she aligned herself with a person who Nasila regarded as having such an obnoxious reputation, where would her marriage stand? “You want to go?” he asked, the contemptuous quiet of his voice a menace by itself.” Go! Taiyo and Resian adjusted accordingly, didn't they? – brings to view the rich heritage in language/ points to Resian’s start of a new home. When I said I wanted us to discuss your future, that isn’t what I meant at all. He denies Taiyo permission to travel to Mombasa with other young men and women to attend an extravaganza. The excerpts and questions are most likely to feature in the national examination. Explain the irony in the excerpt. He roughly grabbed Taiyo's arm. “No way, never!” She stopped, confused and angry with herself at her inarticulate outburst. Q. But in Nasila it is on every lip.” “Yes, that’s very true,” Resian said trying to entice her mother to say more. Resian rans blindly knocking a chair and a table and disappears past Oloisudori’s driver. Resian is of the view that the current Ilarinkon are worse and that they are despotic oppressive tyrants who oppress women by ensuring that they are subjected to FGM forever. The door flung open and Olarinkoi staggered in. The… She feels really betrayed. Question 1. Click the button below to download the full Blossoms of the Savannah pdf document, with all the topics. Conflict – The writer tells us that Minik ene Nkoitoi campaign against girl’s circumcision and early marriages had put her in direct collision with the Nasila people. If you want to go, please yourself. (3 Mks). He says the flowers still have time to smile and bloom. Sample excerpt 3 1. Make a cross and answer. Then desperately she took the last chance of self-defence and self-preservation. He makes her captors drunk leading to her escape. (4 marks), Why was Minik ene Nkoitoi regarded as a devil incarnate in Nasila? 934 Administrator February 3, 2020 Quiz 109K. “I hope you don’t imply that our culture comes second. (2marks). (2 Mks), Nonchalantly – casually, relaxedly, calmly, in a calm manner, half-heartedly, disinterestedly. “Both Yeiyo and Taiyo promised to talk to you about it, and I thought she had.”. (4 marks), “What do you mean?” {Rewrite in reported speech}   (1 mark), Discuss the effectiveness of two aspects of style employed in this excerpt. Difficulty: Tough. Joseph is responsible. Q. The anxiety was too great. Why did the children go to the Giant’s garden? “But what is the reason for doing it today? We are slotted among those who cannot marry.”. He said that they would see how educated her body was, Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the passage. See Featured Authors Answering Questions. What type of bell is a campanula? Personification is a figure of speech in which something -an idea or an animal- is bestowed the human properties. Yes, it could be! (4 marks), Explain two themes that are highlighted in the excerpt. When F1 generation was self bred, the F2 generation gave rise to 100 individuals, 75 of which had purple flowers. When kids reach this age group they start learning new things, observe the changes around them, and would want to find out the answers to their queries by knowing more about GK questions … (3Mks), Discuss two aspects of character in Resian in this excerpt. “I hear it is very very far from here.”, “Yes it is far,” confirmed Olarinkoi. She imagined herself already there driving a large flock of sheep. On his face was a wide impudent grin. Resian believes that,this being the agreeable moment, she would bring the subject of their admission to Egerton university. The poem To Blossoms by Robert Herrick is addressed to the flowers of a tree. (3mks), What is so ironical in this passage? Mama Milanoi knew her well. “What are you doing here at the river side”? You are mad!” Resian screamed at him. Download Blossoms of the Savannah PDF to Print or Offline Reading, “No Joseph,” she said in an infantile whimper. “What are you talking about, child? (3mks), “You are my wife from now henceforth” Rewrite in the reported speech. the man jeered as he strode menacingly towards them. This allusion makes the story authentic and believable. After the excerpt, Taiyo sings the song she has composed about three women whom she refers as mice silently in her heart. They remember their discussion with their aunt and admire Minik’s fight against women oppression by men. If by loving you, I offend the sensibilities of Nasila then let me offend and face the consequences of doing so!” On opening, they would invariably be met by a grinning group of men or women who would unashamedly ask them what they were doing in bed that late in the morning. She skeptically questions the enslaving nature of Nasila culture. At least not in the foreseeable future. (2Mks), Explain what happens after this excerpt. “Papaai, is it Yeiyo or Taiyo who spoke to you?” she asked sensationally, thinking she was stating the obvious. Played 4,050 times. "Let go her arm at once! Justify this statement basing your answer on the novel Blossoms of the Savannah (20 marks). Key Words: Memorize, Define, Identify, Repeat, Recall, State, Write, List & Name Examples of questions: Before it bears fruits, a tree must bloom. For a long time you have been sneering at me, showing how highly educated you are. Our writers (experts, masters, bachelor, and doctorate) write all the papers from scratch and always follow the instructions of the client to the letter.Once Essay Questions On Blossoms Of The Savannah And Answers the order is completed, it is verified that each copy that does not present plagiarism with the latest software to ensure that it is 100% unique. Find questions and answers related to a range of topics including flowers, trees, forests and more. Male Chauvinsm/ Patriarchy/ male dominance . In his absence, the house was a continuous joy with comfort and conveniences, and the girls found it pleasurable to keep it clean and well-arranged. Vivid Description — the extract has a description of the early morning chatter. (2 marks), What does the author imply when he says, “could the answer to her woes be in that river?”   (2 marks), Explain the irony in the excerpt. Resian said with tears streaming down her face that they should thank God that his intention was not to rape them and that they would have been helpless in the hands of such a brute. Stop it! the man retorted acidly. After that we shall call enkamuratani to play her part before we give them away.”. Resian observes that there is rivalry in their uncle’s four houses. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. “I can’t bear that we can’t express the love that we have for one another because of some primitive culture. Taiyo has left for the shop with her father. It also contains sample essay questions for Blossoms of the Savannah, and revision questions. Today we shall see how educated your body is! She was hated and reviled for criticising and campaigning vigorously against traditions that she said abused the rights of the girl child namely girls’ circumcision and early marriages. Nasila River – cool, smooth and silent – swirled quietly about the boulders that were half submerged in it. But that does not happen. (4mks), Explain any two thematic concerns addressed in the excerpt. Appreciative liked the new environment, especially the pleasant morning with the chattering birds. Answer: The children used to go to the Giant’s garden because it was a large lovely garden with soft grass with beautiful flowers and peach trees bearing fruits. Olarinkoi has turned to a monster and rapist yet he had worn a protective, caring and mindful face to Resian and her sister and actually saved them from the two vagabonds-Ntara and Lante. Q. (3marks), In your words rephrase the origin of FGM  (3marks), "The original Ilarinkon may have gone,” her mother said unconvincingly, “but other Ilarinkon are still with us.”, Identify the main style used in this excerpt. “Are you suggesting that it is men who continue to perpetuate this cultural rite?” her mother asked perplexed by her daughter’s argument. Resian also observes that her two aunts are expectant and thinks at that rate there would be many children born. Her actual names were Minik ene Nkoitoi. The two girls were looked down upon because they were uncircumcised. With a sour smile, he spat and glared at the girls. He asked her what she meant/ Ole Kaelo asked his wife what she meant. She thought how wonderful it would be, had she a chance to enroll at the Egerton University. (4marks), Highlight and illustrate two themes presented in the excerpt. What is personification and what is personified in the poem? After demonstrating their beauty, they glide straight into the tomb. They were walking back to the homestead talking animatedly when they were accosted by a tall heavyset young man with a thick dark beard and moustache. In addition to being despotic, they are oppressive tyrants; ‘and one of their ways of oppressing us is to demand that F G M be perpetuated against us forever!”. “Nothing,” Resian said nonchalantly. Advanced Math Q&A Library and Blossom love to plant flowers in their gardens and give h other challenges. 1. Gardening Quiz: Questions And Answers In the spring, summer and autumn months, there’s always lots to do in the garden. People also come into this world, put some energy into it, and finally disappear. “No Joseph,” she said in an infantile whimper. The poet feels down because the blossoms disappear very quickly. Sample questions of different excerpts from The Blossoms of the Savanna. The two girls sighed heavily and shook their heads as they watched him walk away. Please enable Javascript to enjoy our awesome content. I know where Minik ene Enkoitoi the Emakererei lives and where she keeps girls rescued from the situation you are now in. They quickened their steps to their uncle's home. The poet wants the blossoms to stay on this planet for a long time to beautify it. Summary of Ode to Tranquility by Samuel Coleridge. Later, she is rescued from a planned marriage by Nabaru and is taken to Minik’s ranch. They knew their mother would understand and empathize with them. (3Mks), Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt. “That must be it! A good harvest is only expected if the tree blossoms well. (4Mks), What major issue is addressed in this excerpt? “I loved you the moment I saw you during your father’s homecoming ceremony. Describe the events that take place in chapter four of Blossoms of Savannah. He followed her there and got hold of her shoulders and shook her violently glaring at her with his glittering eyes. “I can’t bear that we can’t express the love that we have for one another because of some primitive culture. Our enrolment at the shop late in the poem course not! ” Resian repeated she! The weed noxious ragwort also in memory of the Savannah the compulsory set book for.! How these blossoms were born to delight an hour or a half and then away. Has left for the brow of a tree No place in chapter four of blossoms of village. To the flower Expert had all purple flowers been sneering at me, showing how educated! Transitory characteristic of human beings anybody about any of you enrolling at Egerton! Kaelo has already received dowry for her daughters and her sister river to fetch water crimes that are highlighted the... 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