shabazz youtube knife

He spent the past 20 years as a woodworker and fishing guide in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Tennessee. This knife has a review done by Nick Shabazz on YouTube and that's why I bought this knife. And sometimes, honestly, I just decide that the video just wasn’t up to my standards, and so looking with fresh eyes, it needs to get pulled. The Benchmade Knives Mini-Bugout Pocketknife ... - Thanks for asking! Feel free to let me know if you’re having great experiences with a brand, though, so I can build up data. How to disassemble and maintain the Chris Reeve Knives Impinda Pocketknife Audiophile Headphones: I’m a Sound Guy, and I love headphones (Sennheiser HD650 at home with a Schiit Jotunheim Amp, HD598 at work with a Headroom Micro Amp/Dac). More Automatic Knives: In California, automatic knives over 2" are illegal to carry, and frankly, automatics don’t do much for me anyways. Finally, make sure to check out Knife Gripes with Nick Shabazz, a series with KnifeNews where I complained about issues which I’d like to see fixed in the folding knife world, as a resource that new knifemakers can use to avoid common pitfalls that tend to annoy gear geeks. Sorry about that! Frequency 1 video / … My bitcoin address is 3GJZRfYAMARFxpCX6VvH9vpnG6GpnD4iCJ, and I’ll happily accept blockchain-based support. If you’d like to pick them up, and support me, this is a great way to do it. Originally, I loved each of his posts but over time I’ve personally become a bit hot and cold with his reviews and style. I’m no longer on Facebook, because it’s vaguely evil and I wasn’t using it anyways, and I’m only barely on Twitter, but I don’t post there very often, and don’t respond to messages, so it’s about the worst way to get in touch with me. Oh, what the heck. I can’t afford to keep a large collection, so the gear that sticks around is the best-of-the-best for me. Check it out! The best way to find something I would recommend is to check out the Nick’s Gems Playlist on YouTube. I’ve got a Google Sheet right here with a list of every public review, as well as links, my gem/junk rating and some basic stats. If the woozy, intergalactic raps on Knife Knights’s debut full-length, 1 Time Mirage (Sub Pop), remind you of Seattle hip-hop outfit Shabazz Palaces, … I’m generally not interested in reviewing crowdfunded (e.g. You see, I get 10-15 recommendation requests per day by email, Instagram DM, YouTube comment, and otherwise, on top of all the other messages. Luckily we have very different tastes in knives/gear, or I … KnifeNews writers on the ground and several Blade Show bystanders believe they may have encountered the real Nick Shabazz. Thanks so much for stopping by, and for all of the support I get from the community at large! You can now pick up an outstanding knife for $130. Because I treat any of these reviews as confidential. That’s awesome of you, thanks! The notoriety has left many to speculate about whether ‘Nick Shabazz’ is a stage name and whether his annoying, nasally voice is just a schtick. UFO pics are gonna UFO pic…. 48 votes, 29 comments. As a result, paricularly given that I can’t guarantee timelines anymore, and given that I can’t guarantee factory-fresh conditions, I’m generally not taking new loans outside of exceptional situations. Nick Shabazz, a knife reviewer with an amused taste for reviewing particularly bad knives, finds one that "really beats the cake." The best way to support what I’m doing is to like, share, and recommend my content on YouTube. Source: Nick Shabazz. If you need to contact the Nick by email, for some weird reason, nick at will get you there. Having watched the secondary market for at least a minute or two, now would be an outstanding time to add this knife … Thanks to my buddy Ari who’s serving as my Merchmaster, I’ve been able to set up a store on Teechip full of Nick Shabazz branded merchandise. Nick is one of the OGs of YouTube Knife Reviews. The blade has a few marks at the tip but other than that, this is a great pocket knife with a low profile flipper tab and small pocket space. At the Wiha Tools booth, our people spotted a short, middle aged, balding man, wearing an Omega watch and gold bracelet – flicking a blue Norseman flipper. So, as my time becomes less and less, I’m finding myself focusing more and more on excellent gear. Shabazz released a handful of singles in the mid-90s in anticipation of his planned 1998 debut LP on GZA Entertainment. And of course, keep an eye out for my opinion pieces on KnifeNews, which I used to write from time to time. H. Clay Aalders is a lifelong edged tool user. If you’re still interested in sending something along after reading that, shoot me an email (nick at this website dot com) letting me know you agree to the review disclaimer terms, but more importantly, describing what you’ve got and why I’m going to love it. Finally, make sure to check out Knife Gripes with Nick Shabazz, a series with KnifeNews where I complained about issues which I’d like to see fixed in the folding knife world, as a resource that new knifemakers can use to avoid common pitfalls that tend to annoy gear geeks. I’m “NickShabazz” on BladeForums, WatchUSeek, and the Spyderco Forums. The best pocketknife for the desert is quite different than the best knife for Detroit. That said, there are a few things that make it much less likely that I’ll be interested in your product: I’ll need to review the final, ready-for-mass-distribution version of your product. What is goodness without evil to define it? Sometimes, I’ve come to think the review is unfair after I learned something new. 128k members in the knifeclub community. EDC Fixed Blade Knives: I talk about this here, but basically, small fixed blades don’t make much sense for my life and knife usage. 45.7k Followers, 1,829 Following, 665 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nick Shabazz (@nickshabazz) Kickstarter/IndieGoGo) products until after the campaign has concluded and the products have been delivered to backers, with the item now available for general sale. This is because videos for un-funded products wind up a waste of everybody’s time, these projects can be risky, and usually the final product winds up differing from the prototypes sent around to reviewers in meaningful ways. United States About Youtuber Knife reviews that get right to the point. The Spyderco Nirvana is Spyderco's new flagship folder, and is most certainly the company's most ambitious knife. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop with my niece, and who walks in but fucking Nick Shabazz himself. This will include the Good, the Great, the Bad and the Ugly, and what I’d highlight to somebody thinking of buying your gear. KnifeNews delivers today's news for knife people like us. Sure! Because these take considerable time that I could be spending on reviews for my channel, I now have to charge an hourly rate for stealth reviews and consulting, but new makers will be given a break. FREE Shipping by Amazon. This means that often, I film more content in a week than aired last week, and this leads to a backlog of un-aired reviews. Let me stop you right there: The answer is “probably not”, and I’m really sorry about that. But the simple fact is that there’s way too much gear coming out for me to keep up, and not enough time to review it in. I trust his reviews. My time is very limited, so I’ve had to get very choosy, but here are the details! Harkins, offers users a... Steel Will Screamer is First out of the Gate for 2020, Spyderco Voted Best Overall New for 2019 Lineup, Benchmade 980 Turret Voted Work Sharp Knife of the Year, Cold Steel AD-15 Voted Most Innovative New Knife 2019. Learn more about Nick Shabazz's favorite products. So I’d be more a danger to myself than to boxes and envelopes! 99 $45.99 $45.99. Donations are easier, as I don’t have to worry about getting it back to you in a reasonable time, so if you’re looking to donate something to the channel, feel free to shoot me an email letting me know what you’re thinking of sending along. I could spend 2 hours writing, prepping, disassembling, filming, and editing a review of something that’s flawed, just because it’s new or from a popular maker, or I could take that time on something that’s truly excellent and exciting instead. Counterfeit or Clone Watches and Knives: Look, counterfeiting and ‘cloning’ is just plain ugly. I’m also happy to focus and opine on specific areas of concern. But first, I want to make sure we’re on the same page: I owe it to my viewers to provide an honest and fair review, and every review I make looks at the Good, the Great, the Bad, and the Ugly of whatever’s on my table. One or two might slip in from time to time, but they’re never going to be a focus. Seriously, guys. I kind of hate that it’s gotten to this point where I can’t interact with everybody directly and help people out, but the simple fact is that I’ve got way more correspondence than I can answer on a regular basis while keeping this as a side-gig, rather than a full time job. If you find it on that list, it’s among the best in the business, and absolutely is worth checking out. But that little Z-Hunter has since contaminated its way into my heart, and what started as a quick joke turned into long joke, and eventually, into an unofficial symbol for my channel. The knife reviewer/critic, Nick Shabazz, has now exceeded 100,000 YouTube subscribers. I’m not interested in reviewing ‘limited run’ items. Possible Blade Show Sighting! If you’d like to know what the very best gear for my particular life is, find the latest videos in my Collection Overviews Playlist. Sometimes, a video becomes obseleted by a more recent follow-up review, or is just plain out-of-date. Dawn in Luxor Lyrics. Nick may be the most systematic/thorough reviewer on Youtube at this present time. I will make exceptions for exceptional work, but if your product will not be regularly available for purchase 6-12 months after the review, not only is that super ugly and quite frustrating, but it makes the video completely useless after the product sells out, and encourages no shortage of hate and unhappiness in the comments. The Z-Hunter is a knife I picked up at a local gas station for a video about ‘inexpensive’ vs ‘cheap’, and it is… an experience. So, don’t worry, it’s just a jackass who constantly over-analyzes his own work. However, the label folded and his relationship with the Wu-Tang Clan soon strained, leading him to cut those ties. But reviewing them on video is really kind of weird. : This one’s easy - I just don’t have any passion for these products. In addition to YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram, I’m on reddit (/u/nickshabazz), posting in /r/knifeclub and /r/watches. But if you’d just like me to send a message to a friend, family, or loved one, or to have a custom greeting, check out my cameo page to get a custom video made! Since Blade Show 2016, YouTuber and star of Knife Gripes Nick Shabazz has emerged as one of the most talked about figures in the knife world. Tags: Nick Shabazz Spyderco Spyderco Waterway . You can also subscribe on if you’d like to support my gaming habits, or use my Cameo page to order a custom video. Pinkerton turned to an unusual historical knife for inspiration here, and Kansept stepped... Böker Plus Collection 2021 Stars Todd Rexford. PAUDIN Cleaver Butcher Knife - 7 inch Ultra Sharp Kitchen Knife, Superior German Steel Forged Heavy Duty Chinese Vegetable Knife with Triple Rivet G10 Handle, Full Tang Chef's Knife, Black. But with that said, if you’re interested in something new, particularly if you’re hearing it’s truly amazing, feel free to shoot me a quick email (“Hey, I’d love to see a review of the new X Y or Z”), and if there’s a ton of demand, I might make it happen! Not only are fake or ‘clone’ goods bad for the knife and watch industry, promoting companies that rip people’s work off and fool less saavy buyers, but they’re also not much good to review, either. So, reviewing them is no fun for me, and I can’t do a great job of it, so the reviews would be no fun for you. This wild-looking mashup of kukri and chopper falls into the same heavy duty... Our coverage of Böker’s 2021 releases continues with this year’s special edition Collection knife. This is really tough one, because everybody’s got different needs. The ATAC, designed by legendary custom maker J.A. That’s also awesome of you, thanks! One other option is to drop into an “Ask the Nick” livestream on Instagram or YouTube. Shabazz has developed a reviewing system for knives that covers the good, the great, the bad and the ugly. Sometimes, my views have changed enough, or become more nuanced, such that the original video doesn’t reflect my current opinions. Then we’ll take it from there. I’m a scientist, actually, as my day job. Since Blade Show 2016, YouTuber and star of Knife Gripes Nick Shabazz has emerged as one of the most talked about figures in the knife world. So you’re unlikely to ever see a ‘clone’ or counterfeit watch or knife on my channel, and several brands have been banned for producing them alongside their more unique pieces. So, I just can’t respond to these straightforward recommendation requests. I’ve got a video on this, and I’ve put my most commonly used tools into a personalized Amazon store, along with a selection of other gems. The basic idea is that you’ll send a piece of gear or prototype, I’ll use it, carry it, handle it, and then talk directly to you, and give my impressions, either in a video, a text file, or a phone call/skype call. Because so much of what brings people joy is the subjective tone quality that’s really hard to convey. Anything purchased there will support the channel directly, so I very much appreciate it, but like Patreon, it’s completely optional. One other note: I do not have an assistant, and do not have somebody who “arranges product reviews”. So, even messages from generous people offering gear or saying kind things may languish in my inbox for a while before I get a chance to respond. Total Lifetime Contribution of $50: An autographed terrible knife (as the original Z-Hunter is now discontinued! “I approached him and asked if he was Nick Shabazz,” a junior KnifeNews writer reports. Not YouTube, that’s for sure! I have seen a lot of knife reviewers come and go. Your project/product has to be both very unique and very promising to be considered here. And if you’re trying to get ahold of me, email is the best approach! Always contact me first, using Instagram or my official nick at this address, to confirm that I really reached out. We report the latest news on new and popular knives, production knife companies, custom makers, innovations, and cover topics that are of interest to the knife carrying community. Youtube; Dawn in Luxor Shabazz Palaces. There’s also a chance that I simply won’t have the time, or that I won’t be interested in your particular item(s), but know that regardless, I appreciate the offer. Brand X, Y or Z: More likely than not, it’s just that I’ve never had any of their gear on my table. Email me and we’ll figure something out! Pro-Tech recently put out the first new batch of the Harkins ATAC dual action autos in years. If you haven’t yet, you should absolutely check out my Channel on YouTube, my channel where I stream games, my Instagram and Twitter where I post more regularly, and you’ll get sneak previews of what’s being tested, carried, and reviewed now, along with the occasional live stream. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. Shabazz the Disciple or Scientific Shabazz, is a rapper from the Red Hook Houses of Red Hook, Brooklyn. Also, check out my Patreon page, where I give early previews of reviews and sell reviewed gear, and where you can support my reviewing, if you value the time I spend on the channel. I’m sure I’m missing gems by having this higher bar, but when each review is a few hours of my life, I’d rather focus on established brands with a reputation for quality, where gems are more likely to be found. If your company produces counterfeit, ‘unbranded clone’, or ‘homage’ designs alongside unique pieces, I’m not going to review any of your products. Only a few brands are “banned from my table”, and that’s usually because they’re regularly doing something I find deeply ugly, like regularly and needlessly using proprietary screws, producing “homage” or clone pieces based on other people’s designs, acting hostile towards the community or towards myself personally, or just producing junk (which isn’t cheap enough to be entertaining). Firearms, Brass Knuckles, Fidget Spinners, Kubatons, Lanyard Beads, Spin-tops, Survival Gear, etc. The Spyderco Forums are a special place for many reasons, not least of all because members of the Spyderco crew often post and interact with fans on there –... Kyle Chumchal of KC Knives has joined the engineering team at Microtech. The Ruike P671 Front Flipper Knife: The Full Nick Shabazz Review Nick Shabazz Published on May 16, 2019 Today, we'll take a look at a weird little front-flipper knife … It’s nothing personal, and I do appreciate your message, I’m just drowning over here. If you’re looking to send me gear, I really appreciate it. More importantly, I’m finding myself increasingly tired of the treadmill. Find a small channel you love, and donate some cash, some gear, or some time to help them out. Total Lifetime Contribution of $10: A 'Nick Shabazz: Good, Great, Bad, Ugly' Sticker. Not only do this years special editions feature the luxurious finishing and premium materials that define a Legacy Collection knife,... Kansept and Dirk Pinkerton are at it again with a new for 2021 release, the Mujir. In contrast, each week on Knife Gripes, Shabazz will deliver a video rant covering a specific knife related topic in under four minutes. I’m also happy to accept other forms of Cryptocurrency, just email me. I have been a pretty hard core knife enthusiast for the past 10 years. Maybe! I provide honest, accurate knife related video's with a touch of humor (opinions may vary on that) and so much information, you may think you are actually holding the knife already. If you’re particularly interested in seeing review X ASAP, let me know and I might bump it ahead a bit! And finally, because they’re supporting me and helping to make the channel possible, Patreon Patrons at higher levels get special perks, including the ability to talk to me one-on-one about gear on Skype or another service, and to get specialized recommendations based on their collections and needs. As a result, there have been some videos that I’ve decided to pull after some time. On YouTube, Shabazz typically reviews a new knife in a 10 to 20 minute in-depth video. Paid Subscribers don't see ads! Handmade Custom Knives: I talked recently about why I’m (mostly) done with custom knives, but long story short, they’re just not much fun to review, not very useful to watch as reviews, and they’re very expensive. Absolutely. SV: $100. Finally, if you’d like, you can buy some Nick Shabazz Merchandise, whose proceeds will go straight to the channel. If you use the phrase “influencer” or offer me money in exchange for a positive public review or ‘social media campaign’, I’m going to groan audibly as I delete your email. It has been a long wait, but the TOPS Bestia is available to consumers at last. On Episode #37 of The Knife Junkie Podcast, Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco talks with YouTube Video Knife Reviewer Nick Shabazz, who Bob freely admits is one of his favorite video knife reviewers on YouTube. Even if each request only takes 4-5 minutes to ponder and respond, that adds up, and considering that everything I do for the channel needs to happen in my free time after work, it’s tough to lose time I could spend writing reviews or preparing new content, which everybody gets to enjoy. Always contact me first, using Instagram or either of the addresses below, if you’d like to confirm that I’ve reached out. That’s about a 40% discount off the $218 minimum advertised price (MAP). I understand that small ‘drops’ or repeated smaller batches are a reality of life for many makers, and that’s workable, but at this point, limited run items are an ugly fad, and are not eligible for consideration for ‘gear of the year’ or similar honors. Adding to the mystery, Nick has never revealed his face in his videos which raises another question – what does the real Nick Shabazz look like? They’re great, and absolutely have a lot to offer, but they’re just not my speed. Yes, that’s a high bar to clear, and I’ll often make exceptions for new designers working with established factories, but I’ve been burned before, both on companies that disappear or change names just a few months after reviews, and on companies that make poor quality or inconsistent knives. That said, you should absolutely consider looking around at some of the other great reviewers on YouTube, and making the offer to them, as loans are the lifeblood of new reviewers, and you’ll be doing them a huge favor. Check out the Sending Gear Section of the FAQ. If you’re looking to ask me for a watch, pen, or knife recommendation, check out this answer right there. The Kizer Begleiter is a great little EDC knife from Kizer, a Chinese brand known for exceptional value. Produced by Knife Knights & Shabazz Palaces. The thing is, though, I get more emails and DMs each day than I can possibly answer, particularly recommendation requests and “Hey are you gonna review the ____!” and “Do you want to borrow my ____?”, and there are days where I barely even get to open my email for the channel, and when I log into instagram to find 36 new messages by the time I’ve had breakfast. Consumers at last is quite different than the best ways to support me a! Instagram or my official Nick at this address, to confirm that I ’ m myself. Ll figure something out Ohio, Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Kansept stepped... Böker Plus 2021! Desert is quite different than the best watch for a watch, pen, or knife,. 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