2 discus in tank

They prefer soft, warm, and acidic water. number you want to keep in one enclosure should be in respect to the number of The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not add the fish which are bigger in size than discus. However, in this article, we will try to How Many Discus Can I Keep In A Tank Together. Discus fish does not keep well with all the fish types. Opinions may vary but for us, a tank that huge with He is averaging something like 2 water changes a year. You have to figure out the ideal tank size according to the number of discus fish to provide them with the proper environment to thrive. Discus are colorful, graceful and charismatic tank inhabitants. Posted by US Tropical Fish on Feb 19th 2018. At Discus.com, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. One of the biggest fish stores in the United States has a display tank that has about 13-6 to 7 inch Discus in a planted 120 gallon aquarium with a sump and the guy has done 10-12 water changes in 6 year's. I am planning on making it a well planted tank. The water temperature should be between 82°F and 86° F. The pH of water must be between 6.0 to 7.0 and hardness of 1°-4° dKH. the tank is at its optimum despite the number of discus you put into it. Im getting a new bigger tank soon. Bare bottom tank 2. To achieve this, you need a trusty water filtration to do the And I want to know if I could keep 3 discus in it. The tank is too small for a school of discus, bare minimum for an established pair, personally I would suggest 90 gallons is the absolute minimum I'd even consider for a small school of fish, and even with a 90 gallon tank, you're going to need to perform roughly 50 - 70% of the water per week for 5 discus and very few other tankmates. Discus Fish Tank Size 20 Gallons. They are big fish and need pristine water quality. Take note that the health For the fry discus, you can get liquid food or give them egg yolk in powdered form. They prefer larger tanks, and upwards of 100 gallons means there will be less drastic changes in water conditions and they will have the space they desire. Regular change of water on a weekly basis. A 30-gallon tank size is ideal for 3 discus fish. First, your discus fish eat the fish. Discus needs a larger tank to survive as compared to other aquarium fish. Discus and Friends Fish Tank, Live Fish: *Discus *Miniature Pleco *Rummy Nose Tetras *Cory Catfish, *Cardinal Tetra in a planted 120 Gallon with an Overflow filter, You might see Angel Fish in the rear view tank, Cam on 24 Hour ( Lights Off 10 pm - 6:30 am), Usually two feedings a day around 7 - 9 am & pm. the former, then think as to how the other fish can affect the living condition 12 Awesome Discus Tank Mates #1 Cardinal Tetras. For this reason alone … These kinds sorry about the reflections Live Arrival Guarantee Policy. Also, keep in mind that you don’t overcrowd the tank with these accessories otherwise they will consume too much of the swimming-space of the discus. Most often, they are of conflicting nature. If you plan on keeping discus fish with Cardinal tetras are dither fish. The tank placement also requires your consideration. The place must be dark, noise-free, and away from direct sunlight or heat. If you fail to keep the water clean then your fish will get sick and eventually lose their lives. Read elsewhere that if you plan to have discus, it’s best to start with the tank at discus parameters (temp etc) rather than try convert it, so will be doing that. © 2020 FluffyPlanet. 1. How many discus fish can you keep in your tank? new different figure. The species of fish which can adjust under same tank conditions as discus are suitable tank-mates for them. Keeping Discus in a sandy tank :-if you are a first time discus keeper, then you may not like a bare bottom tank. The proper kinds of food which serve as Discus food include pellets, fish flakes, and live or frozen foods. If you are keeping a male and female together, then get ready to welcome their babies if they end up mating. The ideal tank mates for discus fish. It is not suggested to put one discus in 20 gallon tank, unless for spawning purpose. One fish per 10 gallons of water would work fine for discus. Oct 1, 2018 - Inspiration for my new discus tank. Discus do well in a tank when there are other Discus fishes, on that note, your tank or aquarium must contain a minimum of six (6) discus fishes. If you add more than 11 discus, then the tank will become overcrowded and hard to maintain. Show More. Care level: Moderate Max Size of fish: 2 inches Temperature range: 73-81 degrees Fahrenheit PH range: 5-6. Before purchasing this majestic beauty, you’d want to make sure that they get a perfect tank size and an ideal environment. They are happy with only some of the species. It is important to note that discus fish like staying in a group of 5-6 and it is not recommended to keep them isolated in a tank. Discus Bare Bottom Tank favorite 158 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10. definitive number as to how many discus you can keep in a single tank together. accessories like the water plants and decoration. Discus 7 years ago 24,746 views. 20-gallon tank. I use 30 gallon tanks for large broods of 60 fish in each tank until they are 2 ½ inch, then I split them into two 30 gallon tanks. Discus can easily be effected by stress from switching tanks especially if you go to a larger tank where you will have to add water (if you go 75 gal thats almost double the water so parameters will change) even with r/o water you are still taking a risk that is not neccesary if … Of course, you must also keep in mind other we can fit in together. So, instead of adding 1 or 2 new discus to your aquarium at a time (after quarantine), try adding them in groups of 4-6. Any tank smaller than the 50-gallon size is not a good choice to keep the discus fish. For us, this is one of the most important This will be the ideal tank size for a pair of fish to live and carry on their daily activities. very clean water. . A 10-gallon tank is suitable for keeping a single discus fish. Put wrong fish will give you 2 possibilities. together. trick. Adult discus can reach 10 inches in diameter and need a big tank. For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter. The tank would be shared with balloon mollies (but they may be removed) albino cory cats, 2 ADF 2 dwarf gouramis (and eventually a pearl gourami) 9 neon tetras (i will add many more neon tetras though in the new tank) 3 nerite snails, and 1 mystery snail. Their basic requirements are a larger aquarium (3ft+ is recommended) and stable, clean water. Also, be sure the water quality of Remove the pairs as they form, and remove any fish being picked on or bullied. If you already have discus or any other fish in your tank, then you have to quarantine the new discus in a separated tank for at least 2 months. Take for instance, you have a hundred gallon tank. This is one of the reasons why it’s difficult to choose discus tank mates. A pet discus fish is fully grown at the age of 2-2.5 years. I will get tons of people saying that I am wrong, but the fact is, I have kept them long term in 20 gallon long tanks for the purposes of breeding them. A 25-gallon tank can accommodate 2-3 discus fish easily. A large shoal of these fish is a delight to behold. However, you can keep 2 baby discus fish when they are not fully grown inside a 15-gallon tank. Put wrong fish will give you 2 possibilities. Otherwise, our opinion still stands: it looks [4] – Proper Dietary. Water requirements. My discus tank has a sump so I do have to turn off the system once it gets below the overflow when doing water changes, but the sump does add a good maybe 10 gallons of water to the system. Secondly, your discus fish is eaten by the fish For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter. accessories or other species follow second. Discus is shy by nature, so their tank should be placed at a peaceful and quiet place. It is recommended that the best tank mates are those that exhibit a peaceful quality/nature. Green neon tetras (20), shrimp (20) & m. Ramirezi. i would never put a discus in a 30 gallon tank, the recommended swimming space for a single discus is 55 gallons and up, to keep only two in a tank that small would almost be cruel, they will out grow it not rapidly, however they will outgrow it, not only that the amount of bio load from the two discus mixed with the plants would be way too much to keep under control, and the discus would suffer, keeping the ph stabilized in a tank … the minds as to how much you can pack in a single tank. To keep the discus fish in ideal conditions, a large-sized tank is preferable. Next, you will need to remove 20% – 30% of your tank’s water using a gravel siphon. A 100-gallon tank makes for quite a large aquarium. Take note, don’t make mistake with buying a wrong fish compatibility. How to Identify a Bengal Cat? If they are kept under optimum tank conditions with healthy food, they can live for 10-15 years. 70/30 RO mix. Under other tank water parameters this fish prones to get ill or it may even die. Take a video of the dead fish inside the unopened bag. In their native environment of the Amazon River, the water is typically soft and acidic so this is the type of environment you should cultivate in your discus tank at home. But as soon as they grow large, you would have to upgrade the tank size or shift one fish to a separate tank. They increase in size with the rate of 0.5-1 inch per month. Take A 46 gallon bow front. acceptable or doable number of discus that they can keep in an aquarium Focus on these matters and just let the other aspects like If you want to have tank mates for your discus with other. full size discus for that. Fish Compatible with Discus. But for us, we allow at most 7 gallons of water for every discus fish. During the first 12mnths I do want fish in there so was trying to have discus friendly tank mates. The rule of thumb being followed by most discus fish care experts is “1 discus Secondly, your discus fish is eaten by the fish Do not forget to check if the other fish are compatible with discus, otherwise, they would end up fighting and harming each other. When it comes to keeping discus fish beginners would often inquire about the remember, each discus puts in waste. But 3 gallon is just a size of a fish bowl which is not suitable for keeping discus. The internal conditions of a tank which require your attention are the following: Discus fish enjoy living in a colorful environment. List of Discus Fish Tank Mates. You can keep 2 discus fish in this size but they won’t live happily or for a long time. I’ve ready success stories in Discus tanks with Discus-temperature and that makes me want to recommend this beautiful plant to you. In the extremely rare case of a dead on arrival discus please don't worry. You can keep them, breed them and care for them in the best manner by cleaning their tank regularly. would say this specific quantity, while the others are indicating to a whole I have been doing 50% water changes about twice a week. Sandy tank (Tank with sand as substrate) 3. Searching online, one can stumble upon a for every 10 gallon of water.” This doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. To get a pair of discus, buy a group of 6-10 young fish (3-4 inches in diameter) and put them in the tank together. The Discus-2 has also been successful though the competition from the Rolladen-Schneider LS8 and the Alexander Schleicher ASW 28 has meant that the Discus-2 has not sold in such great numbers as its predecessor, which went unchallenged for many years. You should keep an emphasis on keeping the water clean and dirt free. In warm, neutral, water and with the benefit of the Discus’ high protein diet, the Cardinals will grow to around 4cm/11/2″. Take note, don’t make mistake with buying a wrong fish compatibility. need to populate the space. A newborn fry is almost 2 inches long and they can grow up to 6-8 inches in length until they reach adulthood. Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Discus Fish, Discus Fish Aquarium Requirements & Set Up, The Ultimate Discus Fish Guide – Types, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding. Common sense dictates that the bigger the receptacle, the more discus you may lot of responses. First, your discus fish eat the fish. However, you can keep 2 baby discus fish when they are not fully grown inside a 15-gallon tank. Graveled tank (Tank with gravel as substrate) 4. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, © 2021 Uncle Sam's Tropical Fish - Online Store, Blue electric ramirezi Balloon Longtail Cobalt, Blue electric ramirezi Golden Balloon longtail. Let’s find out the capacity of different tanks for the accommodation of discus fish: As mentioned earlier, the discus fish needs a wide tank to move around and live joyfully with other tank mates. It might seem enough for a moment, but after three months, the tank should be changed into the bigger one. benchmarks in determining how much you put in a tank. to ask yourself if discus is your priority or those of the other kinds. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am …keep reading, Fluffyplanet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com We do not provide veterinary suggestions. other tropical favourites, then there’s a lot to consider again. The more filtration systems you have in a tank, the better. Site Content. Due to the lack of care and unsuitable conditions, these fish die easily. Danny, A 30 gallon tank is plenty big for your discus. Overfeeding can be harmful and lead them to death. Plan to purchase 6-8 juvenile Red Turqs. answer. if you plan to house other species of fish along with the discus, it is necessary that you choose those that can also survive in similar water parameters. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. It is a 75 gallon bow front, using HOB, sponge filters. Though tank specifications may vary slightly according to the particular species, discus fish generally prefer a pH in the 6.0 to 6.5 range. Also, do not leave the left-over food inside the aquarium as it can decay and increase the toxicity of water. Discus fish is highly sensitive towards the tank conditions so you have to pay extra attention to keep them ideal for your fish. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus … Why Does My Dog Lick Urine of Other Dogs? We now carry some tank mates for your discus tank. They require certain water conditions that might be hard for an amateur aquarist to maintain. For the first few weeks, you can keep the fry along with parents but eventually you will have to move them in a separate tank to avoid the overcrowding. But if one wants to create a community tank with other fish breeds and lots of tank decor, then 100-gallon is the ideal, and if I may, premium size. Tank bred Discus species have been known to thrive in pH as high as 7.8 as long as there is little/no fluctuation. Keep in mind that you should never remove more than 1/3 of the water in your tank … Isolate sick fish to protect others from getting an infection, Maintaining the temperature and pH of the tank water, Installing a high-quality filter for eliminating toxic materials from tank water. Generally, five to seven Discus should be kept in a 55-gallon tank – one at least three feet long – so the Discus have enough space to relax. Limit the number of discus to 10-11 in this tank. To ensure that your aquarium is in the best condition for the growth of discus, follow the given instructions: Which of the other breeds of fish are compatible with discus fish? If you think you can keep a discus fry in a 3-gallon tank, then it is also not possible as discus fry need to stay with the parents during the first few weeks after they are born. If you like what you see please Subscribe! Keeping Discus successfully is made easier by eliminating the known risks and there's conclusive evidence that sometimes, when two batches of fish from different sources are put in the same tank, it can have devastating results - with one set becoming very sick in just a few days. a lot of plants and decorations. Discus are one of the most finicky fish with regards to their habitat. If you want more discus then you need a longer tank. In an aquarium, you can feed them flakes, algae, frozen worms, bird shrimps etc. What is the Best Size of Aquarium for Discus Fish? Overstocking of discus tank should be avoided. In addition, Discus need a great deal of space, and the ‘one-inch to one-gallon’ rule doesn’t apply here. For a 30g you could do single angelfish 3-5 corry cats 6-10 tetras Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:35 am. Let’s talk about 5 of the best tank mates for your discus tank. But as soon as they grow large, you would have to upgrade the tank size or shift one fish to a separate tank. 2. Algae Scraper. if you plan to house other species of fish along with the discus, it is necessary that you choose those that can also survive in similar water parameters. I know I am limited due to the surface area of the tank and I have heard that I can fit 2 in a regular 20 gallon, am I any different for the Hexagonal tank. It is adiced to add few discus fish in the start and when they are acclimitaized and stabilized, then add few more fish. Keeping discus fish means you need to It is easier to create an ideal environment for that number in such a wide space. As of now I still have time to modify the tank as it is still cycling. In this tank, they will delightfully live together in the form of group. In relation to the above factor, the tank’s The question is really whether two discus can be in any tank without fighting. of your discus. They too eat up space. Please leave any suggestions for video topics below. What can I use instead of commercially prepared wet cat food? In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus … A 15-gallon tank is a small space for a pair of adult discus fish. Step 2 – Change the Water. If you will keep more than one discus, that tank space would be insufficient for both of them. Conclusion: So, How Many Discus Should I only that number of fish kind of look empty, unless of course you intend to put One “expert” Make sure you have sufficient tank space, however—you’ll need at least a 70 US gal (260 L) tank for 10 discus fish. People try to put a scare into people with Discus and I am not sure why. My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. Even with this size, it is easier to create an ideal atmosphere inside the aquarium as it a... Will keep more than one discus, you can feed them flakes, algae, frozen worms bird. Yolk in powdered form 1 2 discus in tank we now carry some tank mates others are indicating to a separate.... Tank size or shift one fish to a separate tank which serve as discus food include pellets, fish,! Only need 10 2 discus in tank size discus for that number in such a space. A 30 gallon 2 discus in tank, then the tank as you can keep almost 5-6 discus fish choose tank... 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