In this video, we will check out the different layers of the atmosphere, including the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. These extrusive igneous rocks may also have a vesicular texture, containing trapped air pockets. ... types of rocks, and identifying unknown samples using hardness and streak tests. What is a Cold Front? Continental Drift, A brief overview of the theory of continental drift and the evidence supporting it. New York). Conduction, Convection, and Radiation, How does energy travel from one place to another on Earth's surface, in the atmosphere, and in space? The flow chart moves from left to right, following the arrows. Salting-out in aqueous NaCl solutions is relevant for the environmental behavior of organic contaminants. Technology, Science, Education, and Design. Rocks Flow Chart … Also included in this unit is a mini-unit Engineering for Earthquakes that teaches students critical thinking skills and the engineering design process. Posted in digital science notebooks, geology, Google Apps for Education, modeling, simulations | Tagged collaborative document, digital notebooks, education technology, geology | 2 Comments, […] Engineering for Earthquakes Project […]. This distinction is extremely important for understanding the impacts of climate change. Credit for the geology unit activities goes to Rice University, the US Geological Survey, YouTube teacher Michael Sammartano, my former teaching partner Melacyn Turner, our tech integrator Chet Garber, and also my brother Ross (who’s a practicing geologist). This video explores how the apparent fit of the continents, fossil and rock correlation, and paleoclimate data support Alfred Wegener's ground-breaking theory. An exploration of how scientists developed an understanding of the age of the Earth, including a look at all of the important figures who made contributions to this effort. Weather Versus Climate What's the difference between weather and climate, anyway? 2015-04-01. Depending on the influence of heat/pressure, metamorphic rocks may form as: 1. Gravity Erosion and Deposition A look at the different types of mass movements, or erosion caused by gravity. What is a Station Model? Calculating Gradient A brief introduction to the process of calculating the average gradient between two points on a topographic map. Water Bottle Tornado NGSS PHENOMENA - THE WATER TORNADO Check this out! ( Log Out / Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology of deposition/formation; 11thed, 2014 (4) Rock flowchart by Michael Sammartano (Accessed 09/18/2015) 3. We will look at the ozone layers, the greenhouse gases, and other components of the atmosphere, including it's composition of primarily nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. Copyright stuff: As with all work I post on my blog, you are free to use and adapt this work for non-commercial purposes (ie. What's so special about Polaris? What are conduction, convection, and radiation? For a substance to be considered a mineral, all of these criteria must be met. Sun's Apparent Path from New York This video shows the apparent path of the Sun on the summer and winter solstices and the autumnal and vernal equinoxes. Change ). What textbooks do you use? Landscapes and Drainage Patterns A look at the characteristics of mountains, plateaus, and plains, how they are shaped by local climate, the varied landscape regions of New York state, and stream drainage patterns. We will look at each of the columns of information in the chart, including the characteristics above and others like distinguishing characteristics and composition. For the assessment students apply their understanding of plate tectonics and their geological map-reading skills to find locations that have high and low risks of volcanoes and earthquakes. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Relative Dating of Rock Layers, How to determine to geologic sequence of events that occurred to form a rock formation, all from an exposed rock cross section. Is COVID-19 healing our planet, allowing animals to roam free and pollution to drop to the lowest levels in years? added by Mojirade.o — Rocks & Natural Resources read more In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina gives us a real world example of how the Hydrosphere and Geosphere affect each other in the form of Weathering and Erosion. Earthquake Epicenter Distance How to use the Earth Science Reference Tables to determine the epicenter of an earthquake from a seismogram. Everyone has heard of Polaris, or the North Star, but why is it actually so special. In this study, Setschenow (or salting-out) coefficients (Ks [M–1]) for 43 diverse neutral compounds in NaCl solutions were measured using a shared headspace passive dosing method and a negligible depletion solid phase microextraction technique. Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks form when existing rocks are exposed to intense heat and/or pressure inside the earth These intense conditions will alter the rocks, changing (morphing or recrystallizing) them into a new rock. Studying the Morita-Baylis-Hillman Reaction in Continuous Flow Using Packed Bed Reactors. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This engineering design unit builds on students’ understanding of geological disasters to challenge them to design and build a tower that can survive an earthquake. Check out the previous posts for more free stuff on scientific inquiry, ecology, and chemistry. Step 1: Select a Metamorphic rock - Choose the metamorphic rock that you want and place it on the “Metamorphic Rock to Identify” block. We did a chart reviewing the differences between asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites for our warm up. ... Heat Transfer - Michael Sammartano. I noticed you referenced pages to read on some of the lessons. Cadmium is a chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. Weather Instruments, A look at the six most commonly used weather instruments, thermometers, barometers, sling psychrometers, anemometers, wind or weather vanes, and rain gauges - all important to the study of meteorology. The task of going paperless and thinking about how to pull this off when our county decides we are staying home and going online at the last minute is weighing on me. One of the riders, Michael Eichler, testified before the Judiciary Committee on October 24, 2002 about his experience: I decided to linger in the park for a few minutes to listen to the drums being played, to soak in the excitement and energy coming from the peaceful activists and listen to their message. We look at the anatomy of rivers, how they evolve over time forming wide meanders, deltas, and how they deposit sorted, rounded sediments. Exploring Rocks and Minerals, An Overview of Rocks and Minerals, including igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, how they form, what they may be composed of, and what physical properties they exhibit. Tucciarelli, Tullio; Sammartano, Vincenzo; Sinagra, Marco; Morreale, Gabriele; Ferreira, Teresa. Breathing Forest Floor NGSS Phenomena - The Breathing Forest Floor, Check out this amazing footage shot by videographer Jean Arthur. The Shape of the Earth,A brief introduction to the true shape of the Earth and how it was figured out throughout history. Determining Elevations A brief introduction to determining the exact or estimated elevation of a location on a topographic map. What is a Glacier? I am an educational technologist, instructional designer, and professional developer with more than a 20 years of experience. As an assessment of their understanding of the rock cycle, my students create an animated video of a rock’s journey through the cycle. Latitude and Longitude A brief introduction to using the Earth's latitude and longitude grid system for locating places. Models of the Universe,A brief introduction to our changing views of the Universe, from an Earth-centered, or geocentric, to a Sun-centered, or heliocentric model. Introduction to Minerals, An introduction to what exactly minerals are and what must be true for a substance to be considered a mineral. We will look at how continental and alpine glaciers carve out the surface leaving features like drumlins, kettle lakes, u-shaped valleys, and terminal moraines. In this video, we answer that question, and look at what studying Polaris can teach us about our position on Earth. Besides a test, the other main summative assessment for plate tectonics is a tour of disasters around the world that students plan using the new and nifty Google Tour Builder. How Old is the Earth? ( Log Out / Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks in which we find fossils. Weather vs. Melty (Chocolate) Bunny. Estimating Steepness A brief introduction to using contour lines on a topographic map to locate the steepest and most gradual slopes. Additionally, we will explore how to determine your location north or south of the Equator, and east or west of the Prime Meridian. Seismogram Analysis How to learn about the occurrence of an earthquake by analyzing the seismogram recordings of the seismic waves. Rocks Flow Chart … Metamorphism can involve changes in the physical and chemical properties of rocks in response to heat, pressure, and/or chemically active fluids. Phone Number Information; 313-772-5572: Markez Bassard - Monitor St, Detroit, MI: 313-772-7114: Friedrich Mehrtens - Archer St, Detroit, MI: 313-772-5757 A look at Earth's Atmosphere, including its origins, composition, and characteristics. Check out additional videos and resources at Establish relationships between rock types and the origin and environment (3) Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Tasa. The magma cools slowly inside the Earth, the resulting igneous rock will have larger, more visible crystals. If spheres 5 millimeters in diameter of these four minerals are dropped at the same time into a large tube filled with ... Michael Sammartano Created Date:
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