The Private Life of Plants is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first shown in the UK from 11 January 1995. He clearly knows his stuff and knows what to say and how to say it. 9 0 obj SOIL 10 (DVD Questions) *Private Life of Plants – “Growing” 1) What is a way in which a plant can survive View SOIL 10 - Growing DVD Questions-1.docx from SOIL-10 1045 at Merced College. What are root hairs for? <> About this quiz worksheet evaluate your ability to understand the characteristics of plant life cycles. The Private Life of Plants: Growing 1. Please Note: stream This programme demonstrates the techniques plants employ to … Growing 6 0 obj 4 0 obj However, humans can avoid all these rules of nature, so Attenborough concludes with a call to preserve plants, for the sake of self-preservation. 4 / 6 Looking at the extraordinary battles for survival that are fought in the plant world. <> 7 0 obj 6:46. The Private Life of Plants. Dandelion seeds are dispersed by the wind. 7.94. BBC Two - The Private Life of Plants, Growing, Perfect pump Trees are incredibly efficient engines, able to pump water to great heights. 8 0 obj endobj 6. Video Codec: DivX 5.05/5.11 Video Bitrate: ~1801kb/s Remarkable time-lapse photography reveals how new leaves fight for a place in the sun. endobj "Growing", its second episode, epitomises all this just as much as the first episode "Travelling".First and foremost, "Growing" looks amazing. 12 0 obj BBC The Private Life of Plants - 03 - Flowering. The Private Life of Plants - Travelling ... By using advanced timelapse photography, the plants are shown as complex and highly active organisms - growing, fighting, competing, breeding and struggling to survive. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. c1995. endobj Braggle. We found subtitles for the program Growing. endobj He delivers it with his usual richness, soft-spoken enthusiasm and sincerity, never talking down to the viewer and keeping them riveted and wanting to know more.Loved the plants as expected, caring for them in the same way that one would a human. (18 Jan 1995). 1995, Nature - 300 min 17 Comments. Title: 5. endobj View production, box office, & company info. 10 0 obj x��X�O�8~�������T�q��� (�ޝ����������jK���3�tK�"�A*���g�o\�_.,��6W�q���o�������gɤ�"a��x$AN0ɬ�B%̊�����A��?�ݵp&��Q֏��G�"����G�p����/��. The Private Life of Plants. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. 0:08:55: 0:08:58 The Private Life of Plants - Flowering. Why does so little sunlight reach the forest floor? There's as always a wide range of emotions.Never does "Growing" feel an episodic stringing of scenes, but instead like the best nature documentaries each feels like their own story and journey, with real, complex emotions and conflicts.Altogether, if one wants to learn more about plants and appreciate them much more 'The Private Life of Plants' couldn't be a more perfect choice, something that can be seen with "Growing". 288.5M . <> The Private Life of Plants is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first shown in the United Kingdom from 11 January 1995. He may apparently dislike the term, but it is hard to not say that about such a great presenter who has contributed significantly to some of the best programmes (of the documentary genre and overall) the BBC has ever aired/produced.Like has been said before, picking favourites from a consistently good to masterpiece body of work from a national treasure with a long and distinguished career is very difficult. How does the "cheese plant" change as it develops? 48:51. Sunlight is one of the essential requirements if a seed is to germinate, and Attenborough highlights the cheese plant as an example whose young shoots head for the nearest tree trunk and then climb to the top of the forest canopy, developing its leaves en route. 4. A study of the growth, movement, reproduction and survival of plants, it was the second of Attenborough's specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with Life on Earth. <> In the series "The Private Life of Plants - Growing" by David Attenborough. We've curated a list of romances that break free of the typical fare of humans falling in love. 5 0 obj endobj David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. 3. Broadcast 11 January 1995, the first episode looks at how plants are able to move. Take a look back at the talented actors and actresses who took home a Golden Globe for Best Actor/Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama since the category was created in 1951. 48:51. <> 48:59. "X��#���-( :��n���9�%�O��$R�潁|MS �Ի,s�1�-�0 ����ݶ��XU�T�i��) Zĭ��IAI�h�7茈�#\���ٯ��n�X�sz+e�/3��,*��]H�3ێ��9��(���tnH�������4�m�1+R� What advantages are there to the changes in morphology? Private Life of Plants - The Social Struggle. Each programme takes one of the major problems of life - growing, finding food, reproduction - and the varied ways plants have evolved to solve it. WORLD ENTERTAINMENT. Using time-lapse photography the programme shows us top plant-life action. R�P�M�1�k��G Hz��X�: ,�|�P�w��vJ�f�ކ��ȧ$A5[{�yKQ�.��/C3����/8�)�DИ�`�i���h������dF�3��;���v�0 �����"�F\D�\��y�u��p�ñ��E{�3��"���`�V��U%B���°�#b`l��Ҡ�B 3R6�ق��Fu�(�L�ض��n*�Ex��=����B��ʦ�hj�j�^2T��1K^�v�D@��'��^�ܙK���ئl?�����3�VzCp��9�ca�8���2��N����~B�L��i�)�X���W#o���9�lObP�=�O5aቻ\�|�˒�5Cn��H�Z(��H�DR���!�D����+E�z-��KNe� � Z-f��?�o�������$_���]���VCCV�Y��`W���/q���y���"�֝�L�$� <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 12 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this The Private Life of Plants study guide. All episodes of The Private Life of Plants. A 6-part series exploring the intriguing world of the plant kingdom. Explain the process of photosynthesis. Educational documentaries. "Flowering". 289.2M . Growing into the shape of a cushion is a good way of conserving heat. The Private Life of Plants - 03 - Flowering download. 288.1M . In fact much of it is remarkably cinematic with some of the shots being unique for a documentary series, making one forget that it is a series. 2. <> "The Social Struggle". <> each installment. Start studying The Private Life of Plants. Subtitles Found! Braggle. Nature; 18,198; ... from plants growing spikes to insects learning to recognize the mime . x��Ymo�6� ���U-Y~;����a7tX�~8���cn��n�ޯI9/M�%�SV��_$�"�e���ׯ/?���=o�������(�eRA 1�&����n��x��f� !Q"P� Q78�� L;\�|�wǣ��o~������;?�����л�3�Ub�=i�e����]��n~�>�y~��ǎ:LE(�����v�kk_*o�_D���W�'�S���vq�G"V6=� ������7�Y�L_��I$$�I"Ծ��� /�u[?�}Aۇ_��G��{���|F�}� 3 0 obj When it comes to documentaries on plants, 'The Private Life of Plants' is ground-breaking and one of the best, also one of many Attenborough gems. The Private Life of Plants. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. endobj Why don't Heliconia butterflies tend to lay their eggs on passion flower leaves? endobj The Private Life of Plants - 02 - Growing download. Add the first question. 'The Private Life of Plants' manages to do the seemingly impossible (to me that is) in making plants interesting and making one not only appreciating them more but caring for them. Branching Out. It is gorgeously filmed, done in a completely fluid and natural, sometimes intimate (a great way of connecting even more with the plants), way and never looking static. 50 min. This is called the plant life cycle. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? 0:08:46: 0:08:51: These are the largest cushion plants in the world. The Private Life of Plants studies the growth, movement, reproduction and survival of plants. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Private Life of Plants. The Private Life of Plants - 04 - The Social Struggle download. endobj stream 0:08:41: 0:08:46: and no plants do it better than these in the mountains of Tasmania. This FAQ is empty. 10/10 Bethany Cox. endstream %PDF-1.5 It shows how varied the strategies of plants are in the struggle for survival and it sheds light on the intricate ways in which plants and animals have adapted to each other. American Holly (Ilex opaca) – Stunning Privacy Trees. Episode 2 - Growing.This episode is about how plants gain their sustenance. The Social Struggle. �c;_ֳ��Ϟv:�E���;f�.�c��T�h ��V ����p�4�&so��%H�L[�VyO�U�����+f�~j����=`��+�����1l84�f�D�������"��ux?����,�g88���5���� ��W�BY�&s'Ys�;�EY*"����=�(������0a�^v? 4h 52min | Documentary | TV Mini-Series (1995– ) Episode Guide. David Attenborough takes the viewer on a guided tour of plants' lives: travelling, growing, flowering, their struggle with other plants and animals, and the ingenious ways they adapt to even the harshest conditions. American holly is a beautiful tree that gives … What happens to fruit that lands on the ground in the rainforest? ��ҷ����$�Y��G����d0�u[�R��(�`� V2��u�@��e���"�:����i�1{�mp�"T�"4!D�]�����Q�(J���ߚ!� �6A����d� ��r�/�tm�d�I����"�����j The bramble is an aggressive example: it advances forcefully from side to side and, once settled on its course, there is little that can stand in its way. A study of the growth, movement, reproduction and survival of plants, it was the second of Attenborough's specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with Life on Earth. Ratings: 7.94 / 10 from 18 users. Use the HTML below. endobj Plants grow seeds to make new plants. "Travelling". {ח҃n��� y�����2o'�;%�L��6%� Attenborough takes us through each aspect of plants' lives travelling, growing, flowering, their struggle with other plants and animals, and the ingenious way they adapt to even the harshest of conditions. How does the Sensitive Mimosa defend itself from predators? David Attenborough continues his incredible journey into the world of plants. <> Filmed from the plant's point of view, using computer animations, fibre-optics and unique time-lapse photography. The series looks at various aspects of a plant's life-cycle, using examples of species from all around the world. dunyagercekleri. What plant organ is primarily responsible for photosynthesis? This episode shows the ways in which plants defend themselves against animals, and grow in search of sunlight, nutrients and water, all the elements needed to survive. Was this review helpful to you? 0:08:51: 0:08:55: They grow to over 12 feet across. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. The series utilizes time-lapse sequences extensively in order to grant insights that would otherwise be almost impossible. Start studying The Private Life of Plants Video. The main topic of the second paragraph is the life cycle of a plant. Host: David Attenborough. The ... "Growing". 2 0 obj It has everything that makes so much of his work so wonderful, hence some of the reiteration of my recent reviews for some of his work (being on a nature documentary binge in my spare time), and deserves everything great that has been said about it. Screenshots Technical Specs . 1 0 obj As said many times, David Attenborough is a national treasure. Quiz worksheet goals. 'The Private Life of Plants' manages to do the seemingly impossible (to me that is) in making plants interesting and making one not only appreciating them more but caring for them. Students read the text and answer the study questions. The Private Life of Plants. The Private Life of Plants. The editing is always succinct and smooth and the scenery of all the continents is pure magic.The music score fits very well, never overly grandiose while never being inappropriate while also being a beautiful score in its own right.Again, like so many Attenborough nature/wildlife documentaries, "Growing" fascinates, teaches, moves, entertains and transfixes. 6 episodes. In terms of the facts there was a very good mix of the known ones and the unknown. Please scroll down to get them, or go here for a preview. endobj Episode 1 - Traveling.This episode looks at how plants are able to move. Discusses how plant seeds are seasoned travelers, using animals, insects and wind in their journey for roots. 11 0 obj Private Life of Plants - Growing. <> Another Attenborough classic: David Attenborough makes the point right at the start of The Private Life of Plants that plants aren't boring, they just live on a different timescale than us humans. The quality of this series is truly remarkable and its title is not misleading: It reveals the private life of plants in a breathtakingly new way. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. The Private Life of Plants. Likewise with the plants themselves.Narration by Attenborough helps significantly. David Attenborough's study of the world of plants, which demonstrates, with the aid of time-lapse photography, the rich and varied ways in which they flourish. The account of plant life's struggle for survival is seen as never before in a story full of drama, beauty and staggering achievement. "Living Together". <>>> C$� 8r�HLk���t�Ex��� w�}Bꈶ���$�J�Uc��29�(�?�NV���^���3bm���l�P'��*U�)v��F����o�ꖋ��"��i|�L�ȶ壞v�U �D[ȶ� ���=u�H!�b6(N�״d��z�� ]&�4�oH�B�?9'�� Roots of Plants _ Morphology of Flowering Plants _ Plant Morphology. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> %���� Why do seeds sprout upwards? When it comes to documentaries on plants, 'The Private Life of Plants' is ground-breaking and one of the best, also one of many Attenborough gems. Time-Lapse sequences extensively in order to private life of plants growing insights that would otherwise be almost impossible 11... Unlock this the Private Life of plants - 02 - Growing '' by Attenborough. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this the Private Life of -... 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