physical therapy phrases

a program for restoring someone to good health. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old physical therapy quotes, physical therapy sayings, and physical therapy proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. In fact, overexertion may cause further harm. An unbelievably important part of getting a patient to work with you is being able to build good rapport. Gait training "Pt completed gait training inside parallel bars with moderate assistance, rest periods, and verbal cues for proper gait pattern and safety awareness." Physical therapy with a trained professional may be useful if pain has not improved after 3 - 4 weeks. Bruce D Perry . Maxfield: ‘Ken brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. Therapy seen from a loving, supportive lens allows for less criticism and judgment. Physical therapy abbreviations are frequently used by PTs and PTAs to denote various movements, devices, viewpoints, anatomical landmarks, surgical procedures, and even professional certifications. 1 Glossary of commonly used Physical Therapy terms Abduction - A movement of a limb away from midline or the center of the body Adduction - A movement of a limb toward midline or the center of the body Ataxia - Muscular incoordination especially manifested when voluntary muscular movements are attempted Base of support - The weight-bearing surface of the body. physical break: A short break in a meeting or in a classroom setting, intended to improve attention. Unauthorized duplication of this material is prohibited. Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) hormone therapy: Used other than as an idiom: see hormone, therapy. The fact that the one of the only physical therapy jokes we have is "PT stands for Pain and Torture" kills me. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love. Physical Therapy Sayings and Quotes. Physical Therapy Documentation Example Phrases. I hate that phrase and part of my soul dies every time I either say it or hear it. rehabilitation program. The following phrases are samples of what you will find in our notes . Here are a few keywords to think about: The patient… performs, demonstrates, reaches, achieves/does not achieve, lacks, displays, A functional movement… Words/phrases that help document skilled care are listed below. Therapy Notes Gretchen Anderson, MSPT, GSC,COS‐C Nikki Krueger, PT, MPT, COS‐C Member of the Home Health Section Speaker’s Bureau This educational course was created and approved by the Education Committee of the Home Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. excessive exertion. overexertion. Labels are hard to handle in therapy and in life. Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) hormone therapy: hormone replacement therapy: Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) elbow grease There are many different abbreviations floating around out there, and we felt it made sense to create a comprehensive guide to PT shorthand. Physical Therapy Documentation Phrases. Get in the habit of starting your sentences with action words that describe the patient’s ability to perform function tasks. However, keep in mind that including one or two of these words/phrases does not in and of itself demonstrate skilled care, the therapist or assistant should use these key words/phrases in notes like the examples above. These were determined to have “missed the mark” because they are assumptions. 2 Quotes that Missed the Mark. 33 quotes have been tagged as physical-therapy: Z.A.

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