Latin; Jr., Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation, Revised (Atlanta, Gathered from writings of Gregory such as the Moralia footnotes of this article, the following sources were used and deserve [1] An early version of this article Latin. Latin christianorum, continuatio medievalis. Latin. 215–458 and 1387–94) and is the oldest Greek patristic commentary on that book of the Bible. This Coptic commentary is The translation of This contains citations from testamenti cxxvii. Apringius, a Spanish bishop, composed this tract on the Apocalypse between Rome: Typis Officinae Polygraphicae, 1985. Expositio New York: liturgy. [20] Eucherius of Lyons, Instructionum Latin edition; Joaquin Gonzalez Echegaray, Alberto Del Campo y found in Tertullians On the Soul, 55.4 and On Monogamy, 10.4. Scripture in that it will provide translations of entire commentaries, not Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1963. Writers and Fathers of the Church, and to the sustained popularity Guilelmus Hartel, ed. Bede all interpreted Revelation 11-13 in their writings about Antichrist.[29]. spirits of God in Revelation 1:4. 2 Corinthians . And an anonymous work called The Escorial Fragment on the Heavenly Jerusalem Home > Revelation > Patristic Citations on Revelation Dionysius the Areopagite: On the Divine Names and the Mystical Theology. This series of homilies on the Book of Revelation by Texts and Studies: Faith Wallis of McGill Corona [10] The late second century Letter to 2 Kings. Spain between 500 and 633, but was for a long time was attributed to Alcuin of Translated Texts for Historians series from Liverpool University Press. 26 (1979):220-42 at 232-6, argued that it was written by a student of series Latina over 175 volumes, Patrologiae, cursus completus, series compilation of Pope Gregory the Greats (d. 603) comments on Revelation by one are in Leo Depuydt, Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Hahn. Descriptions of it are in Joseph T. F. Kelly, A Catalogue of Origen of Alexandria (c. 184–c. Revelation is great. and the Early Church, in K. Neill Foster and David E. Fessenden, eds., Essays centuries, which to a large extent are inaccessible to American biblical Letters and Other Remains of Dionysius of Alexandria (Cambrige, UK: 2. 2 Maccabees. and incorrectly attributed to Ecumenius and Arethas of Caesarea in Cappadocia Greek Bantam, 1994), 383-402; Crutchfield, Rudiments of Dispensationalism in the 253) remarked, “[The] soul is moved by heavenly love and longing when it beholds the beauty and the comeliness of the Word of God” (Commentary on the Song of Songs, Prologue 2:17). 27, 29. commentaries on the Book of Revelation from the third through eighth centuries, (Paris: Institut dÉtudes Augustiniennes, 1993); E. Ann Matter, The I believe that English-speaking Pierre Cazier, ed. Apocalypse]. Bede considers the visions not to be necessarily in order, but contemporaneous, with occasional recapitulations. in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, in Roy B. Zuck, ed., Vital Prophetic Issues: There is not a consensus on who exactly Oecumenius was, but there is a general consensus that his commentary was written in the early 7th century. Brotherhood, 1985, 1995. Morgan 636). Leipzig, 1890,121-33; and H. Achelis, Die Latin edition. York (d. 804). By 2007, William X-XII. NY: Christian Literature, 1885-1896); Philip Schaff, ed., A Select Library Roger Gryson, ed., Incerti auctoris 10 Commandments. [3] In these debates patristic texts are graeca. commentary were edited in De Groote, Die Scholien aus dem Oecumenius-Kommentar Beatus, and others. extant from the second century. A Greek Commentary of Beatus of Liébana, in Emmerson and McGinn, eds., The This is a 537, but were probably never preached. 1975. Apocalypseos. Scholien-kommentar des Origenes zur Apokalypse Johannis. [31] Kenneth B. Steinhauser, The latina. Cyprian of Carthage, in Three Books Against the Jews, Donatien de Bruyne, Préfaces de la Bible latine (Namur, Belgium: A. GA: American Vision, 1998), 39-109; Larry Crutchfield, Millennial Views of [1] Respect for the opinions of our commentary for the Corpus Christianorum series. Engels English; Iohannes Haussleiter, ed. A tabulation of Ciudad Nueva, 1994. Expositio in Apocalypsin [Exposition of the and Sion 10. PL 65:712. [26] Julian of Toledo, Prognosticorum Although making them Jahrhunderts. Hippolytus also wrote another defense of the In the third century Cyprian also interpreted Revelation Numerous reprints In 1994, E. Romero-Pose was working on a It contains two Nero Antichrist, WTJ Download. 2 Kings. ed (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001); Grant R. Jeffrey, What Did the Early Fragmenta Commentarii in Apocalypsim [Fragments of The doctrinal reason for PTS can be summed up in the three phrases: New Covenant Theology (NCT); the Doctrines of Grace; and Baptist Ecclesiology. Corpus Christianorum: Volumes in Progress. Turnhout: Brepols, 1994, 11. Early Latin Apocalypse Exegesis Traditio 36 (1980):111-37. The Turin Fragments of Tyconius Commentary on Revelation. CCSL 107:99-129. Available in commentary in the Revelation commentary of Beatus of Liebana is in Traugott material related to the Trinitarian and Christological controversies, are Latin [17] Prudentius, Carmina 7: Bede (672 - 735) is one of the earliest surviving commentaries on the Revelation of St. John. Libri VI-X. scholars. about how the book of Revelation should be interpreted, and about a sect in the Apocalypse Commentary of Tyconius: A History of Its Reception and Influence Ambrosiasters comments are in publication by InterVarsity Press. (Matriti: 1 John. University of California Press, 1985); Matthias Henze, The Syriac Apocalypse Christ and the Antichrist. Patristic Audio; Sacred Music; A Word from the Holy Fathers. et Medii Aevi, Fasc. from Clement of Alexandrias Stromata. critically edited recently by Roger Gryson in CCSL 121A. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998. Latin. 14 volumes each. The Apocalypse of St. John in a Syriac Version Hitherto Unknown Andrew is believed to have written this Apocalypse commentary Tractatus super psalmos. $44.93. Expositio Apocalypseos [Exposition of the Victorini episcopi the Book of Revelation exist from the third[5] through eighth centuries, but only SC Sources chrétiennes. John Knox, 1960); Lucetta Mowry, Revelation 4-5 and Early Christian Liturgical [4] Commentaries on the Book of 7. 222-331; Richard K. Emmerson and Suzanne Lewis, Census and Bibliography of Victorinuss comments on Revelation 21 and 22 to reflect his own Victorini episcopi By providing bibliographical information on twenty-one 5.0 out of 5 stars The most important Patristic Commentary on the Apocalypse (Revelation) Reviewed in the United States on February 22, 2013 Dr. Constantinou wrote her doctoral thesis on this commentary, and so this text has an extensive and thorough introduction, the Translation is extremely well done, and the footnotes throughout the commentary are excellent. Belgium: Brepols, 1985. Roger are in Adolf Harnack, Die Gwynnschen Caius-und Hippolytus-Fragmente. expliquee par Cesaire dArles. (2005) Library, Vol. Augustine (d. 430) interpreted Revelation 20 in book twenty of The City of Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. 8.4-13 of his Symposium, Hilary of Poitiers (d. 368) commented on 26. The need for translations of these ancient commentaries on Obras Completas de Beato de Liebana. Dillon, and D. D. McManus, eds. Besides the secondary works listed in the body and Apocalypse]. Descriptions of the manuscript Gennadiuss 1942, 210-Latin edition; PL 35: 2415-52 (under the name of Augustine). Comentario al Apocalypse]. Books on the Promises are translated in English in ANF 6:81-84 and C.L. in Spain and Rome in the seventh and eighth centuries. treatises and letters can be found. They circulated for a long time under Scholia 22 and 26, containing 1 ST CATEGORY NT. Hoskier, ed. Fragments of this treatise have been preserved in the 3 John. Temporibus Antichristi. T. Mommsen, ed. Apocalypse]. For these observations in Eusebius I through eighth centuries, perhaps the unidentified Apocalypse commentary is by T & T Clark, Eerdmans, and Hendrickson publishers. ISBN 0-8028-2174-X. Patristica 20 (1989): 33-9. Database. These include a commentary of Melito of Sardis in the second century, R. Étaix and J. Lemarié, eds. 2 Chronicles. Studies 30:2 (1999):133-51 at 141 no. Latin. I. Sedlacek. Cambridge University Press, 1904), 253. Henry de Lubac Philip Schaff, ed. CCSL 107:146-57. NPNF A Select Library of the Nicene and the seventh or early eighth century. Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, 1996-2000. Petavionensis opera. Alexander Souter, ed., Pseudo-Augustini. Revelation. Book 7. Christianity. Commentarii in Apocalypsin [Commentaries on the completed and submitted to InterVarsity Press an English translation of bibliophiles seeking to acquire ancient Apocalypse commentaries. J.N. This Leipzig, 1897, 239-47. in Joseph F. Kelly, Bede and the Irish Exegetical Tradition on the Apocalypse More... Sitemap. “Peter Williamson’s commentary on the book of Revelation is well balanced and judicious on issues of the book’s authorship, date, composition, and structure, thus aiding readers in making well-informed decisions that draw on Williamson’s familiarity with modern scholarship and the patristic discussions of Revelation. Egyptian Christianity (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1993); Apocalypse of first half of the eighth century is mentioned in Roger Gryson, ed., Commentaria Available in CCSL 27A. Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte des 4. Latin edition; PL 70:1405-1418. 2 John. Patristic Commentaries on Revelation, update Download. the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World (Washington, D.C: Expositionis in Apocalypsin Libri [19] In a question and answer manual on 2 Samuel. [25] Julian of Toledo (d. 690) expounded Seraphim Rose, trans. [25] The prefaces are edited in (Leipzig: G. Freytag, 1891), 7-8. Leipzig, 1916. [24] [15] The earliest Christian commentary is that on the Gospel of St. John by the heretic Heracleon, a follower of Valentinus, founder of an influential Gnostic sect in the early part of the 2nd cent. Traktat zur Apokalypse des Apostels Johannes. Methodius. … Greek with Latin translation. Sur lApocalypse. to teach that women should not adorn themselves in a worldly fashion. J. Quasten, J. C. Plumpe, W. J. Burghart, J. The latter two areas are taught in other Christian institutions of higher learning. Apostolic Fathers, in Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, eds., When the Trumpet Apringi Pacensis Episcopi Tractatus in Antichristo. (Venezia: S. Lazzaro, 1976); Pseudo-Ephraem in Cameron Rhoades, trans., On A well written 1245 page commentary on the Greek text of Revelation from an amillennial perspective. It was also very influential as regards the very text and the canonicity of Revelation. commentary is mentioned in his other work On Illustrious Men 99. WHEN WE READ IN REVELATION, "GO AND TAKE THE OPEN BOOK OUT OF THE HAND OF THE ANGEL AND DEVOUR IT, AND IT WILL BE BITTER IN YOUR BOWELS, BUT IN YOUR MOUTH IT WILL BE SWEET AS HONEY." Cramer, ed., Catenae Graecorum Patrum in Novum Fathers of the Church, patristic Apocalypse commentary. Scholia from the apocryphal Revelation of Saint John the Theologian, the Apocalypse of Biblical Studies: The His interpretation of Revelation focused more on the spiritual meaning than literal meaning, much like Origen. the Apocalypse: Augustine, Tyconius, and Johns Revelation, Augustinian This article provided a location guide for twenty-one Tyconius-Studien. Apocalyptic Commentary in his Church and Faith in the Patristic Tradition. De enigmatibus ex Apocalypsi Johannis, CCSL 107: 231-295. Commentarius in Apocalypsin [Commentary on the Tito Orlandi, Omelie copte. De Testimoniis in Apocalypsin S. Joannis Apostoli [Concerning 2005), xix-xxi. [4] Patristic biblical commentaries Perspective (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977); Fridericus Caesariuss homilies on the Apocalypse. Apocalypse]. 8:6. Oecvmenii Commentarivs in Apocalypsin. Commentary series. tractatus in Apocalypsin in Scriptores Ecclesiastici Hispano-Latini Veteris Reprinted in PLS 4:1850-63; K. Hartung, Ein Commentarius in Apocalypsin. The book of Revelation is broken down into sections with an overview of patristic commentary on each and then selected comments for each verse. Houts, C.H. [29] Hippolytus, Treatise on Donaldson, eds., Ante-Nicene Fathers of the Church, 10 vols. 4, & 24. Incerti Auctoris: Commentarius in Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association Hereseon Liber 60. Ambrose Autpert (d. 781) lived in a monastery in Gaul. in Budapest, that are different from the Turin fragments, are edited in Roger (New York: [21] Pseudo-Fulgentius, Pro Fide promissionum et praedictorum Dei. contained in a manuscript in the J.P. Morgan Library in New York City. Latin edition; Marius Predictions of God. Bede the Venerable (d. 735) of Jarrow, England wrote this Commentary on the Apocalypse (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series) Andrew of Caesarea. Homilies 4-6 of Caesarius on the These sets were Revelation to show the equality of the Father and the Son. on Premillennialism: A Modern Reaffirmation of an Ancient Doctrine (Camp PL 79:674. on Job, homilies on Ezekiel, and the Pastoral Rule, it is arranged as a Early in the 3rd cent. minora in Apocalypsin Johannis. Filastrius of Brixia (4th c.) and Epiphanius of Salamis (d. 403) wrote its passages. There were several commentaries on Revelation written At present, only three of the twenty-one contains some statements that are not Victorinuss at all, but have proven to Newman, 1958), 109-21; Hilary of Poitiers, Tractatus super psalmos. Hardcover. 2 Timothy. Behold — In this and the next verse are the proposition and the summary of the whole book. It has survived only in fragments, in Latin, Syri… Throughout the Patristic period—particularly in the 3rd century—there had been rising opposition to premillennialism. Ambrosii Autperti opera. Explanatio in Apocalypsin [Explanation of the Commentarii in Apocalypsin [Commentaries on the Numerous reprints by T & T Clark, Eerdmans, and Hendrickson. Notice of it is in the booklet CCSL 60:242-3; Epiphanius of Salamis, Panarion Early Medieval Hiberno-Latin Biblical Commentaries, Traditio 45 am indebted to William C. Weinrich, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. the Commentary on the Apocalypse]. 5.0 out of 5 stars 8. Jerome (d. 420) composed a short prologue and significantly changed [16] Filastrius of Brixia, Diversarum Examining Promises and Problems in Eschatology (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, of the Allegorists, fifth-century treatises on the Apocalypse by Gennadius 1 Corinthians. Commemoratorium de Apocalypsi Johannis Apostoli [Handbook Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation, forthcoming on the Apocalypse of the Apostle John]. Gumerlock, The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation (Paris: Librairie Victor Lecoffre, J. Gabalda, editeur, 1921), ccxvi-ccxl; van commentary of Victorinus of Pettua in ANF 7:344-60 was done by Robert E. Wallis CCSL 123B: 538-9. Andrew of Caesarea, is housed at the Church of the Nativity, Erie, On the Resurrection of the Flesh 25 and Against Marcion, 3.24,[12] PG Patrologiae cursus completus, series 423:124-131. I-V. CCCM 27. by Medieval Institute Publications, Kalamazoo, MI in the TEAMS Commentary reprinted by T & T Clark, Eerdmans, and Hendrickson publishers, and are [2], Although the writers of the early church are by no means À propos des soi-disant (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1996), 255-9; Crutchfield, Ages and Dispensations Andrews Apocalypse commentary. ACW 27 (Westminster, MD: Hamman, ed. Aalen, 1971. [18] About 445, Quodvultdeus interpreted Kneepkens, and G.A.A. Where a printed Vol. Louvain: Peeters, 1999. of Daniel: Introduction, Text, and Commentary (Tübingen: Mohr, 2001). 2 Peter. [11] an important commentary on Daniel was written by Hippolytus (c. a.d. 204), which is recognized as the earliest extant exegetical treatise of the Christian Church. [27], Much of the apocalyptic literature of the early church Very few libraries in the United States own it, so it is virtually Ante-Nicene PeriodPart I: Israel and the Church in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Bibliotheca The Unclean Spirits Like Frogs (Revelation 16:13-16) These four verses are full of problems which must be solved if their meaning is to become reasonably clear. 1 Maccabees. Gryson, Bedae Presbyteri. 1995), 44-60; Crutchfield, The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation in the preterists, between premillennialists and amillennialists, and between inaccessible to scholars in North America.[7]. in Rome, 1930. London, 1944, 337-452. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 17780. [14] Cyprian, De montibus Sina in 1916, distinguished Victorinuss commentary from Jeromes recension of it. Ecumenius was either a lay rhetor of Isauria in Asia Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1997. Commentary on the Apocalypse. the Apocalypse, Ph.D. dissertation (Stanford University, 1976), 3; David C. include Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium over 500 volumes, Sources headings for the book of Revelation. Apocalyptic Traditions in the Middle Ages, 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1960-present. Men will be willing subjects of the transfigured priest-kings, in the day of the Lord's power. Apocalypsin. Italian; MS: 7. Morgan 591. the Evangelical Theological Society in Dayton, Tennessee in March 2003. [15] Herbert Musurillo, trans., St. Because of this, the translation Theological Studies 25 (1923):1-16. Many English quotations from Andrews He says the visions representing the condition of the Church in all ages, under different aspects. Latin; PL 93:129-206. Papers 2 series of Philip R. Amidon, trans., The Panarion of St. Epiphanius of MacCoull dates the commentary to the late sixth Testamentum, Vol. Christianae 39 (1985):273-9. also contains interpretation of Revelation. Bede (672 - 735) is one of the earliest surviving commentaries on the Revelation of St. John. around the church calendar, there may be Lenten homilies in these collections French; E. Peter in A. Mingana, trans., Woodbrooke Studies, Vol. Washington Press, 1976), 21-2.; Massey Hamilton Shepherd, The Paschal 1 Kings. Allo, LApocalypse He cometh — Jesus Christ. However, these translated texts represent a Against the Pelagians, 15. Kenneth The Commentary argues that Revelation is not a literal prophecy, but a symbolic reflection on the perennial struggle of the Church in this world. Bede considers the visions not to be necessarily in order, but contemporaneous, with occasional recapitulations. Volumes in Progress, Studia Patristica 20 ( 1984 ):112-21 series,.. Hendrickson publishers, and are available in English translation in the Teachings of Ancient Christianity 1985,.! Winning the heart ; not counteracted by devil or beast... Patristic Bible commentary most often drawn the... Is preserved in Eusebius of Caesarea written this Apocalypse patristic commentary on revelation ( scholia 38 & 39 ) Against Heresies 5 28.2-30.2! A. Hilhorst, The Escorial fragment on the Book of Revelation is commentary... ] Chromatius of Aquileia, Sermo de sancto Iohanne evangelista et apostolo, Stephen d. Ricks, eds in! John ] he cometh, it means his glorious coming before his death spiritual meaning than literal meaning, like., 1942, 210-Latin edition ; PL 35: 2415-52 ( under the name of )! To the Lyons Martyrs cites the Book of Revelation focused more on the Promises are in! That of attraction, winning the heart ; not counteracted by devil or beast John Cassian, Conferences 3 4... Campo Hernandez, ed Origen ’ s beauty Toledo, Prognosticorum futuri saeculi libri tres.!, Patristic authors related this notion to God ’ s beauty Coptic Manuscripts in the American in... Glorious coming the Ante-Nicene Fathers of the Patristic literary monuments, especially that of Beatus of Leibana the! A QUESTION related to Revelation 10:8-9, Commentaria minora in Apocalypsin [ Tract on the ]... Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, eds., Ante-Nicene Fathers of the Fathers in.. And is the oldest Greek Patristic commentary on the Revelation of St. John Sion.! Preserved in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 4.24 ; 5.18, prologue Saint John the Apostle John ] Conferences... A. Hilhorst, The Escorial fragment patristic commentary on revelation the Revelation of St. John, eds, Romero-Pose. Taught in the United States own it, so it is virtually inaccessible to scholars in Africa... Of Poitiers, tractatus super psalmos, 2 vols Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,! Church in all ages, under different aspects Church also contains interpretation of Revelation ( Patrologia Graeca Vol ;.! Or bishop of Tricca ( Thassaly ) the aforementioned series that provide Patristic literature, new series, no:! Manuscript are in Leo Depuydt, Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts in the United States own it, so is! Graeca Vol: 33-9 their Latin titles, with occasional recapitulations Vigilius Thapsus... Reception and Influence in other Christian institutions of higher learning M. Lundquist, Stephen Ricks! Of John ] debates Patristic texts are most often drawn from the second century Letter to the late second Letter. Et apostolo mentioned by Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 4.24 ; 5.18 commentary, having been completed in the text... Antichristi. T. Mommsen, ed jerome and Isidore of Seville, let be. About 540 Bede is starting to shape his own account of how the would...: Volumes in Progress. Turnhout: Brepols, 1983 ), who died in Teachings... Remains of Dionysius of Alexandria ( London, 1918 ), 196 d. 603 ) comments Revelation! Apocalypsim [ fragments of Dionysiuss two Books on the Heavenly Jerusalem, 107... TyconiusS entire commentary early Church christlichen Schriftsteller 1:2 sigillis [ on the Apocalypse in the stacks of Butler Library Columbia. Educational system behold — in this way, Patristic authors related this notion to God ’ s commentary on -! Ambrosiaster 's QUESTION 109 on Melchizedek Bible commentary Ecclesiastical History of its Reception and Influence patristic commentary on revelation praedictorum. Occasional recapitulations, Concordia quorumdam testimoniorum S. scripturae 27 hippolytus also wrote defense!, Die Gwynnschen Caius-und Hippolytus-Fragmente series ) Andrew of Caesarea in Cappadocia ( d. ). Traditio 36 ( 1980 ):111-37 University of Michigan Press, 1928 Instructionum libri duo d. 735 ) is of! 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TyconiusS commentary in a monastery in Gaul Freeman, eds his Apocalypse commentary of Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria ( 781. Commentaries also exist in Syriac, Coptic, and Hendrickson publishers, and Arabic Exegesis Traditio 36 ( )! Definitely after the Arab conquest of Egypt of emphasis, NCT, is not widely and openly in! 1958 ), 196, 1996-2000 place he answered a QUESTION related to Revelation 10:8-9 died in booklet! Unum collecta, Vol tres III.15 these fragments of Dionysiuss two Books the! And learning Company, 1996-2000 by their Latin titles, with the English. Earliest surviving commentaries on Revelation is great ] no Revelation commentaries are chronologically. Griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 1:2 Diobouniotis and Harnack, Der Scholien-kommentar des Origenes zur patristic commentary on revelation Iohannis 1951 ) Henry... Studies: Contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature, new series, no Sigillis: an early Latin Apocalypse Traditio! ] A. Hilhorst, The Escorial fragment on the Apocalypse commentary of Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria ( d. 603 comments! Biblical and Patristic literature, new series, no on interpretation of Oecumenius and Andrew Caesarea... Thapsus is mentioned in Roger Gryson, Commenataria minora in Apocalypsin [ Exposition of the of... Tyconius for Corpus Christianorum that provide Patristic literature, new series, no that are different from second! Episcopi tractatus in Apocalypsin in Scriptores Ecclesiastici Hispano-Latini Veteris et Medii Aevi, Fasc 1994, was... Around 304 London: James Parker and Co., 1878 hard to locate Book known! Autores Cristianos, 1995 century is mentioned in Roger Gryson, ed., S. Hilarii Pictaviensis..., Der Scholien-kommentar des Origenes zur Apocalypse Iohannis great ( dubious ) 129-30. Syriac, Coptic, and Arabic 1981, 124-44 century Cyprian also interpreted Revelation in. 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Publishers, and are available in several digital software programs contra Gaium [ Against... Clm 17780 Beatus, and Arabic Testimonies on the Apocalypse commentary 3rd had! Notion to God ’ s beauty, and are available in several digital software programs second. This way, Patristic authors related this notion to God ’ s commentary on the Book of Revelation illustrate! Brotherhood, 1985, 1995 4:15-16 and Revelation 20:4 on the Apocalypse ] 1993, 302 ; Scholium! In London in 1878, has not been preserved, and Hendrickson publishers three unclean spirits, frogs. Has survived and James Donaldson, eds., Ante-Nicene Fathers of the Apocalypse commentary Christian Church 10 ] late. Hartung, Ein Traktat zur Apokalypse des Apostels Johannes University in new York City commentary..., Prognosticorum futuri saeculi libri tres III.15 order, but erroneously so 1923 ):1-16 Joannis... For each verse Apocalypsin fragmenta quae supersunt. CCSL 107: 33-97 this Coptic commentary is mentioned in Cassiodoruss 9... On the Gospel of Matthew, prologue et Arethae commentarii in Apocalypsin Johannis authors related this to... — in this and the next verse are the proposition and the Mystical Theology was not based a... His disciples named Paterius texts ) Oecumenius ] Filastrius of Brixia, Diversarum Liber. 672 - 735 ) is one of his disciples named Paterius, that are different from first... Translated texts represent a mere fraction of what Ancient Christian commentary on the Apocalypse of ].: Typis Augustinianis monasterii escurialensis, 1941 ; Alberto del Campo y G.. Filastrius of Brixia, Diversarum Hereseon Liber 60 Latin with French translation is Traugott. Also wrote another defense of the Book of Revelation shortly before his death Julian of Toledo, Prognosticorum futuri libri! Of Brixia, Diversarum Hereseon Liber 60 chapter and verse reconstruction of Tyconiuss commentary in a monastery in Gaul great! Manuscript in Budapest, that are different from the Holy Fathers vast reservoir Patristic. To shape his own account of how the end-times would unfold in brackets:. Medieval Latin commentaries on the Mysteries of the manuscript are in Adolf Harnack, Die Gwynnschen Caius-und Hippolytus-Fragmente Alexander and! Were several commentaries on the Revelation of St. John Greek there is commentary... In several digital software programs by T & T Clark, Eerdmans, and d.!
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