He delivered two blows in succession - a left, a trifle too high, to the solar plexus, and a right cross to the jaw. Thank you God that you love us so much that You are willing to let us be a part of Your work to establish that which You desire on earth. Wonder what people thought when “Jesus himself threw the moneychangers out of the temple…threw over the tables and used a cat of nine tails…. Praying for President Trump daily and for full exposure of this corruption and our stolen votes! As the referee cried "Nine!" We are the army that He’s raising up for the last days. Continually update, develop, design and customize the content of our web site to meet the needs, interests and requests of our audience. Just talking with him, he seemed head and shoulders above the two GC's I have dealt with to date. Please step down. David was bold with his words and actions. Have we repented? Thank You Lord for Your word through Kurt. He chose Mike Pence, a very humble and Godly man, as his VP. He was fighting grimly; but he continued to draw upon his chief asset, which was Youth. We needed someone who was strong enough to trust God and endure the fight. Intercessors for America uses the information provided by you to: Disclosure/Sharing of Information Thank you Pastor Dan. But it was Tom King's face that advertised him unmistakably for what he was. But no one had told him, and he knew, deep down in his heart, that he would not have listened if they had. Donald J Trump for all you have endured for the people and for America! I am 65 years old and have watched evil come into my great Country for over 40 years….my Aunt worked in the Pentagon for 14 years (1942-56) and was brilliant…her life was destroyed because of the evil and corruption in DC! How about Rubio, Jeb Bush or any of the others? Lord, give us patience and faith to continue to pray as we wait for the Truth to come forth — Truth that will save our Republic from disaster. Marcie: I don’t understand your reply unless you are saying I am judging. By His help and grace let’s continue with repentance, prayer and fasting. President Trump is EXACTLY who we need in The White House….God created him for “such a time as this”….FEARLESS and able to handle the evil attacks thrown at him! You will crush fierce lion and serpents under your feet! I agree with everything you stated. Absolutely concur and I for one will continue to pray & lift up the election results and the present administration! And a piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him. I’m standing in this fight with you and our brothers and sisters in Christ until the end! Sandel was certainly a coming man. Isn’t this how our God works in human affairs? How our very selves even in Christ point to our need of a our beloved Savior. Burke would have given him credit for a thousand steaks - then. That He founded and ordained. It was the face of a typical prize-fighter; of one who had put in long years of service in the squared ring and, by that means, developed and emphasized all the marks of the fighting beast. His Standing. I tell God don’t let us miss this moment when you Almighty God have chosen this man to fight back all this evil!! Politician- In that order…”. Gen 15:13 - And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve H5647 them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; Tools Gen 15:14 "I tried both Burke's an' Sawley's," his wife said half apologetically. And it is now the Lord’s turn to act. He is only a man. He (they) runs looking for more darkness to hide under while “shooting back”. Ultimately, I believe both sides wind up standing in the same place. Ifapray and other groups. The kingdom of God is suffering violence It was the strategy of Age. The veins stood out on the backs of the hands, large and swollen; and the knuckles, smashed and battered and malformed, testified to the use to which they had been put. Amen!! And He is able to humble those who walk in pride.”. For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. It was the iron law of the game. America is more like Sodom and Gomorrah now and we all need to step up and work to change all the evil that has been allowed to take hold in America. He hesitated perceptibly, then refused and went on his way. They will hold you up with their hands so you don’t even hurt your foot on a stone. Sandel reeled out of the clinch, balanced on the hair line between defeat or survival. How we prayed for this kind of leader for a long time! Remember when Israel asked for a king and God gave them one. King's chief asset was experience. It was impossible that a man so punished could rise. Born in Naissus, Dacia Mediterranea (now NiÅ¡, Serbia), he was the son of Flavius Constantius, an Illyrian army officer who became one of the four emperors of the Tetrarchy. We’re a people with ears to hear and hearts to respond How anyone can call themselves Christian or moral and hate this President is beyond me. It was as if he had slept for a time and just opened his eyes again, and yet the interval of unconsciousness was so microscopically short that there had been no time for him to fall. Leaving the dressing-room for the street, in the entrance to the hall, some young fellow spoke to him. The challenges went on. The round continued to the end of its three minutes, Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever. We are blessed! Well, Mr Nauck you accomplished your intended goal: to get some of us “ticked off, ” I’m one, but I was also saddened by what your comments said about yourself. Help us Lord to be the people you want us to be. Sandel must foam the froth of Youth away before discreet Age could dare to retaliate. A beginning faith in Jesus in anyone .. will struggle. To step up in his Name and to be counted on to do whatever we can to support Him. He is a champion . I have not seen anyone with that kind of commitment. Praise God! Their New World Order want to “Build Back Better” (slogan seen also on the wall of Bidens “elect” blue wall.) Those who love the world, the love of the Father is not in them! And ever they came, more and more youngsters - Youth unquenchable and irresistible - and ever they put the old uns away, themselves becoming old uns and travelling the same downward path, while behind them, ever pressing on them, was Youth eternal - the new babies, grown lusty and dragging their elders down, with behind them more babies to the end of time - Youth that must have its will and that will never die. What a wonderful plan! Yes Cyrus was probably prickly to the people he was coming against also. I too believe He’s heard all our prayers for years. "You gotter do 'im. And the great thing is that this has brought do many of us together in this warfare. the battle belongs to the Lord”. Well spoken!! The contents of the sponsor Web pages are not reviewed in any way before they are linked to the IFA web page. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! The simple faith of a child has roots and must mature. He knew his business, and he knew Youth now that Youth was no longer his. Intercessors for America does not collect personal information without your knowledge while you are visiting our web site. I am personally disgusted with politicians with smooth tongues who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. EU,UN,WHO, CCP. The flames of revival -well, they are burning! He is like most of the American people. Accept Christ Himself. He’s not concerned about Pres Trump’s delivery method. By the seventh round Sandel's pink of condition was gone, and he settled down to what he knew was to be the hardest fight in his experience. As Lincoln said about Grant, “I can’t spare this man, He fights!” God often uses people with weaknesses to highlight His power, and I think we’ve seen this man evolve into a believer who fights for God’s will, even though his mouth runs away with him at times. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor […], A new video has been released sharing evidence about the 2020 election fraud allegations, “Absolute Truth.” The video itself is very compelling. He had heard our cries. Lesser men were felled by assassins or shame. As he sat in his corner, glancing across at his opponent, the thought came to him that the sum of his wisdom and Sandel's youth would constitute a world's champion heavyweight. We are burden to pray for US elections because this is the last country shining as a beacon of hope in Jesus for the free world. We must rise up and stand and fight ! I liked Trump from the start and wondered why everybody hated him. Peacemaker vs. peacekeeper… Being a peacemaker is not an “easy” job, and I know it can only be done with the guidance and strength and direction of the Lord. Thanks so very much! Sure there may be a few really sold out to the Lord. For more information about online personal safety, check out these resources: Statement of Use Only the Lord knows, but my husband and I do believe that Donald Trump was given a clear plan of salvation just a couple of weeks before the Republican convention in 2015. ( In Jesus name) ! God made the covenant with the Jews only. Did I mention that I am grateful? Outside the ring he was slow-going, easy-natured, and, in his younger days, when money was flush, too open-handed for his own good. Trusting the Lord and seeking to be a peacemaker. It is a virus, virus’s mutate. this is a balanced perspective on Pres Trump. God bless you and I am grateful for taking part in your election experience and revelation. There were many candidates . On the other hand, I was willing to accept it with grace and thanksgiving: if – after all the months and years of fervent, continuous intercession – this was to be the result, I knew that God had His reasons and I accepted the inevitable outcome by faith, knowing that His ways are greater than my ways, and that He would cause all things to work together for my good and His glory. Sheer animal that he was, the eyes were the most animal-like feature about him. We are to pray for those in authority over us because God Almighty has raised them up. For the past four years, he has been whaling on that nest to such a degree that there are no more hornets in it. God gave him the ability, or personality, if you will, to deal with all that has been thrown at him without breaking and we will continue to stand with him as we face this pivotal time in American history. Amen. Beyond feinting and several slowly delivered and ineffectual blows he did nothing save block and stall and clinch. COVID is the fraudulent excuse for the takeover. I must agree with what was said, only God could have chosen such a fighter as President Trump to become the President of the United States of America. It is a semi-fused mass of iron with fibrous slag inclusions (up to 2% by weight), which gives it a "grain" resembling wood that is visible when it is etched or bent to the point of failure. He will never leave us nor forsake us. King was glad that he had him for referee. To God be the glory! Your sentiments are well said and many of us had the same thoughts. I wonder how much destruction the church will endure, how much each of us must fall, before we are united in true repentance for failing Christ’s command, “…that you love one another: just AS I HAVE LOVED you…” John 13:34. I also love DJT and I get it what he’s about. A man was supposed to take care of his own knuckles, and, if he insisted on hitting an opponent on the top of the head, he did so at his own peril. He is also transhumanist, (eugenics)/ economist/marxist/ social darwinist and the reset is a continuation of UN agenda 2021 and 2030 and they now plan to sneak it upon us using decent sounding words and pushing it forward due to Covid. The enemy knows his time is short. Thank you all for your reflections! There were Tommy Burns and that Yankee nigger, Jack Johnson - they rode about in motor-cars. It’s one I want to pass on to help my children in their late twenties and mid-thirties get focused on what is really happening. He is so very much more. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”. He leaped lightly to the raised platform and ducked through the ropes to his corner, where he sat down on a folding stool. Information and images found on the site cannot be reproduced either in print or electronically without express written permission from Intercessors for America. Politicians are usually so dishonest and shallow that I found Trump to be a fresh wind after decades of cancel culture and political correctness.I dont think another person would have managed to stand upright in the perpetual hurricane that always blew around Trump. However, I think you are out of line and I question if you read the whole article. The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded, were almost expressionless under the shaggy, indrawn brows. Intercessors for America reserves the exclusive right to remove any links, posts or members that it deems necessary for any reason. The very infrastructure designed to bring down the current administration is fittingly prepared to be employed for the investigation, prosecution and conviction of the guilty, and Haman’s gallows stand at the ready. So well said. Only in crucifying our flesh, and living by faith in You, Lord Jesus, will all come to know that we are, indeed, Your disciples. He overwhelmed King with avalanches of punches, and King did nothing. I know that President Trump may be the only significant person pushing back for the right of the church to continue to exist in its current form as many church leaders are still asleep, complacent and compliant to the establishment across the globe. (Read Alinsky Rules for Radicals) That Trump- hatredmade me think Trump must be good and in the way. We all have a past and we are called to love unconditionally and not cast stones or point fingers at others. Our friend did not say the name of the evangelizer but said to focus on asking the Lord that it would be real and true understanding by DJT. IFA reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. And it will save the world and revival will break out. It was his first real blow - a hook, with the twisted arch of the arm to make it rigid, and with all the weight of the half-pivoted body behind it. Thank you for your “Big Picture” overview and transparency. Warriors of righteousness with healing in their hands The first round was all Sandel's, and he had the house yelling with the rapidity of his whirlwind rushes. We are a Christian country and George Washington made a covenant with God that we would always honor God and abide by his ways. He had it in him. Thus were his vital points guarded, while he lurched forward toward King in the hope of effecting a clinch and gaining more time. A young woman is forced to reveal the terrible sin she has committed. Ezek. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Faith is an action, lets all get active to bring God back to our schools, communities, cities and America. He may well be still answering the prayers of long-dead patriots who asked Him to help us keep the republic that we were given after THEY prayed for His help. Oh my goodness, the rep from the SDC referral was amazingly knowledgeable. If we can get there with more understanding and less condemnation, our purposes will be much better served. My prayer today and everyday is this: The Word says for this very purpose Jesus came – to destroy the works of the devil. It was his one chance - now or not at all. http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2020/november/jericho-marchers-praying-the-walls-of-corruption-will-come-tumbling-down. AMEN! !… IFA is a prayerful community of believers interceding for the nation. Made my day as the truth is the truth. It appears that we are on the verge of a reveal so large, so wide and so deep that the entire world will be shaken to its core. We would of thought the very same of both of these champions for God ! And as he continued to strike and force, coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought, he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out. I believe those who saw the president through the eyes of the MSM often saw a selected cut of what what the media wanted us to see as they skilfully created and manipulated their own image of Trump. Let me not be put to shame or [my hope in You] be disappointed; let not my enemies triumph over me.”. God looks on the heart. Immanuel Kant (1724â1804) is the central figure in modern philosophy. So Lord we praise You and join our faith with Your Word and will that the works of the devil are destroyed in America and the nations. It turns out that the answer was yes – there has been more prayer and fasting; more genuine repentance; more unity in the faith; more crossing of ethnic, racial and denominational lines; more seeking after God in the last few years than perhaps ever in history. Lord, Grant us courage to stand firm and hold fast to the Truth of Your unchanging Word! Though I believe every living Christian has been called for this time of spiritual warfare, I fear we are unprepared to stand as one against the enemy. praise God for President Trump. I echo with you about NO letting our guard down. “…it is remarkable how many Christians fail to discern political and cultural issues from a Biblical perspective. Oh, it might be that Trump has crossed over from death to life; if he did not, I pray that he will. And be filled with His fire to do all He called them to for the sake of souls and to set captives free and for holiness and justice to fill your land in Jesus’ name amen. Yes, Youth was the Nemesis. I have heard ministers tell their congregations that he is a horrible man and must be gotten out of office. The two children in the other room had been sent early to bed in order that in sleep they might forget they had gone supperless. Very good points. Amen. We are certainly at a time of testing. I see him somewhat differently. Unless I am reading the Bible incorrectly, Jesus is the only perfect person ever born. I think one teaching from the Word needs to be touched on here. Every instance of voter fraud and corruption in this land and the nations – DESTROYED by Your name and blood and brought to justice. It matters deeply to us and the Lord. I’m a soldier Just yesterday I felt very down about the way that I stayed miles away from any mention of politics at our Thanksgiving gathering. Amen, couldn’t said better. The audience gasped and murmured awe-stricken applause. So which way do we want it? God in His merciful goodness rescued us from the plans of the enemy because HE has a plan to see His kingdom being established on His earth. How do you think you’ll escape hell?, etc. I agree in much of what has been said. The Democrats promote and celebrate a woman’s right to kill her own child even to the point of actual full-term birth (aka, infanticide), yet are so concerned about the spread of Covid that they are willing to put untold thousands of businesses and millions of employees out of work while driving up addiction and suicide rates. Hallelujah, Hallelujah and Amen. Protect him Lord and his family and all those working this legal battle ! Disorder, chaos, confusion and the dark powers behind them – DESTROYED by Your name and blood. I don’t agree of your comments of Trump. YES!! AWOL! Covered many relevant ideas/truths!!! The apostles and prophets are speaking forth To spiritual needs of the nation We pray Lord that You would continue to use President Trump and his team to help uncover the myriad of corrupt filth, treason and criminal compromise and actions that have inundated our government and corporations at every level in our society. The intended usage of the website is for the facilitation of prayer groups. We must continue to pray and fast until this election is settled once and for all, because our battle must be won in the heavenly places. He will pull the corruption out of His Country for the sake of His Name. The church is the main problem and God was uncovering the heart of the church for all to see. I pray all of this in the mighty Name of Jesus for His glory. My family has skin in the game too, so I know that You are serving right along with your sons, with a part of your heart being where they are. No wonder our Nation is in the predicament it is! AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY with everything EXCEPT the comparison of President Trump to King Nebuchadnezzar. I pray this way every Monday. Yes, everything is coming out into the open. It was a clever stroke, much admired by the audience, but it was not dangerous, and was, therefore, just that much wasted strength. He sat down by the window on a rickety chair that protested under his weight, and quite mechanically he put his pipe in his mouth and dipped into the side pocket of his coat. Please understand that all postings, messages, text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, or other materials ( “Content”) posted on, transmitted through, or linked from this website, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. And magnify You and Your power! He was good for nothing now except navvy work, and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that. God gave us this man for a time such as this . If the fight had been stopped, the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision and the purse would have been his. In Jesus name I ask God to guide our every thought and words!! We have long needed a warrior. (In the army of the Lord) Soldiers of the Cross and children of the light The man is even gonna get saved and many will follow his example. That is the message that the prophets of old gave and why they were killed by those God sent them to who gave God’s message. We are watching God work miracles. At the instant Sandel arose, King was at him, but the two blows he delivered were muffled on the stalled arms. In Jesus name amen. PS: Nebuchadnezzar wrote Daniel chapter 4 and I won’t be surprised if that man is in heaven when I get there. He was a great borough-monger, and is said at one critical time to have returned thirty members. The absence of any tobacco made him aware of his action, and, with a scowl for his forgetfulness, he put the pipe away. You did not anger me but instead but voiced my sincerest hope regarding the way things are unfolding. That is a glowing resume in my books and I’ve never been sorry one day that I voted for him. But God humbled him, and by the end of his reign, he was an unapologetic man of faith, fully stricken of his pride. It was 1958, and he was 15 years ⦠There is only one judge. he muttered aloud, clenching his huge fists and spitting out a smothered oath. Great words from my own heart. You give the answer. To King belonged the ring generalship, the wisdom bred of long, aching fights. I even found an adorable wrought iron toddler bed! He desires that His people rise up in the blood bought authority as Kings and Queens in Christ and confront and defeat evil through spiritual warfare – for He has purchased power over ALL the enemy by His precious blood. I agree. We smash them under our feet in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord! An excerpt from the life of a resident at a Californian mental institution. Do you anticipate His coming in the air, the clouds, to catch us up to be with Him forever? Many strong and courageous young people entering the mission field through groups like World Changers thru the SBC. Amazing article, GOD knows what he’s doing and has the ultimate plan to accomplish HIS purpose. He found himself wishing that he had learned a trade. IFA is not responsible and assumes no liability for the contents of any of these web sites, and unless expressly stated does not endorse these web sites or their contents, products, or services. Comment posted twice by me. Pray for our enemies!! I can see why God picked this man for this time – he is in his 70’s and has more energy than most people do who are in their 20’s! This is HIS COUNTRY. Their anger caused them to take very dangerous risks. Well you were right. We Stand in the gap of Jesus Christ —- defeating them in God’s battle and giving God all the power and glory in Jesus name. The type of information we collect is only voluntary and used for purposes of interacting with the website or with others viewing the website. ), God’s got an army, not afraid to fight He was an old un, and the world did not wag well with old uns. One good blow would topple him over and down and out. Praise the Lord! Thanks for this insightful summary of what is going on. When I went to bed, it appeared that Trump was on a strong course to win the election – not with a landslide, necessarily, but with a convincingly strong majority. Later the people raised up against him. Yes, Trump is up against a very evil force! But have no doubt He is slow to anger wanting all of we the people to come to Him. This man has delivered God’s agenda . I don’t think many of us can comprehend the stress and pressure of knowing that there are many, many evil people actively seeking to kidnap, torture, or kill our loved ones and our closest allies. I also feel that Satan inspires this blind hatred in the populace. And His mercies that are new every morning! For the safety and protection for the President and his family. Encouraging for me. So cut the man some slack. Bring America back to GOD! Our Vice President and his family. He was busy thinking of the bull terrier he had kept in his younger days to which he had fed steaks without end. God’s got an army marching through the land. I prayed the other day God don’t let me miss this moment that you gave us a modern day David in President Trump someone who wouldn’t just sit back but would fight back !! AND he was not ashamed to hold the Bible high with his right hand for all to see, something that as far as I know no other president has done. We tell Satan, get out of here Thank You Father, for President Trump and Your unfathomable wisdom, for Your ways are marvelous in our sight, and we cannot comprehend them. If you liked this story, please share it with others: A man and his dog fight for survival during a bitterly cold Arctic trek. At the ninth he rose in fighting attitude, and Tom King, facing him, knew regret that the blow had not been an inch nearer the point of the jaw. Hostages forgotten left behind to be tortured and killed. And Tom King, looking, saw Youth incarnate, deep-chested, heavy-thewed, with muscles that slipped and slid like live things under the white satin skin. (PRAYER FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=carman+army+of+the+lord&t=h_&page=1&adx=shv1b&sexp=%7B“nctexp”%3A”a”%2C”prodexp”%3A”b”%2C”prdsdexp”%3A”c”%2C”biaexp”%3A”b”%2C”msvrtexp”%3A”b”%2C”shv1″%3A”b”%7D&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dd4viNTjCH4o. My husband received a tweet from a Christian man we know well, who has been involved in Christian circles for years and knows “names of repute” in those circles that we would all know. Same on US Christians. But, after the people spoke and I looked at the spineless “wimps” I had supported in the past I realized we needed a President like Trump. The man and his team seem indefatigable. Psa 89:22 “No enemy subjects him to tribute, And no son of wickedness afflicts him. DL Amen! Let my people go ! The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide, and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids, heard the many voices discussing the fight and the prosperous chink of money on the bar. Oh, Lord, forgive us for taking YOU for granted! Thank you for your powerful words of wisdom and prayers that resonates with spirit of heart, mind, and soul. Mr. Nauck has expressed I’m a soldier Not a one. Hypocrites. I found DIY on line, called him for advice, and he nailed it! Thank you Pres. Thank you, PW. I am all for people having their own opinions–but please know what you are talking about and do some research instead of believing FAKE news. Thank you God for giving us this chance to change things We must all do our part now. Finally after years of corruption the truth to all is revealed! Your ways are higher than our ways and this I know that You always speak through your prophets. But he couldnât. When I first listened to Donald Trump, I heard not only his crass demeanor. Other images, brands or logos are copyright of their respective owners. (Jesus) And perhaps American can learn from it. When David wrote his “tweets”, he would cry out to the Lord for strength, praise and worship, and would encourage himself that the Lord would intervene. The secretary of the Gayety Club had advanced him three pounds - the loser's end of the purse - and beyond that had refused to go. The evidence is OVERWHELMING. His heart had pumped too much blood through them at top pressure. Have been praying that all hidden things be revealed. He remembered back into the fight to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering on the hair-line balance of defeat. He rolled over and attempted to rise, but the sharp yells from his seconds to take the count restrained him. Think about that. Trump has been a type of “Scape Goat” (Leviticus 16). Only Youth could rise, and Sandel rose. It’s unfortunate you didn’t see that during his first term—I find myself irritated with legalists who can only see the “brute” in Trump. PASTOR’S PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK SO THOSE WHO ARE DECEIVED WILL HAVE THEIR EYES OPENED. These third party web sites are not controlled by IFA. Nevertheless, he succeeded in winning and holding the confidence, admiration, and affection of the people during the greater part of the twenty-three years of his ministry in Northampton. I GUESS THEY THINK POLITICS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SPOKEN FROM BEHIND THE PULPIT. I am praying for him, the US and the world and also for revival. But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations, and King grinned and doggedly endured. In other words, Trump has not just kicked the hornets’ nest. How fast we have forgotten what the previous administration brought us !
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