akg k701 vs q701

The company claimed that this version is the most accurate and responsive headphones they have ever made and it might be true looking from the many positive reviews on the product. - Designed and Engineered in Austria by AKG but made in China, - High-performance neodymium magnet system for minimum distortion,High-performance, 99.99% oxygen-free, single-sided cable, AKG K701 and AKG K702 are two similar high-end headphones with great comfort and sound. People wearing glasses shouldn’t hear any loss in bass. 99 $ 449. Read also: AKG K701 vs K702 here. Consensus/Conclusion AKG K701 vs Q701 . vs. Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO. All rights reserved. This is probably not possible. 2/2/21. 대신 k701과 똑같은 스펙의 k702와 q701로 아이템을 늘렸습니다. 00. 작년에 큰맘먹고 구매했던 헤드폰인 'akg q701' 사실 예전부터 이어폰, 헤드폰등 10만원대제품을 그냥 디자인만보고 많이 구입해왔었습니다. For what it's worth - Tyl thinks the 701/702/Q701 are the same phone. response seems to be more neutral, and thats what im looking for. If you want to own a headphone for everyday use that will give you the best experience out of every music you hear, go check our article below. The result is a truly dramatic sound that places every musician at his or her correct location with pinpoint accuracy. Not only have I read it from several people here, but I also read a review from the swedish magazine "Ljud & Bild" and they also claim that the Q701's are warmer and fuller-sounding than the K701's. Required fields are marked *. Conclusion You must log in or register to reply here. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen AKG K702 und AKG K701? AKG K701 and Q701 are two open back headphones that very often compared to each other because of their many similarities. One idea is to see if you can demo them and compare them side by side in the store. Das Review ist noch nicht ganz fertig; Bilder reiche ich die Tage nach. Updates 1/7/20. Check out this video to see how to install new AHG ear pads on your AKG K701 K702 Q701 Q702 K712 PRO Massdrop K7XX headphones. Headroom Micro Stack + Astroydyne > HD-650, Q701 (bass mod), Koss Pro DJ100 + M50 pads, DT-990 Pro. 이제는 k701이 아니라 k901 정도는 나와줘야 하는 타이밍인데 언제가 될런지 모르겠군요. Not only have I read it from several people here, but I also read a review from the swedish magazine "Ljud & Bild" and they also claim that the Q701's are warmer and fuller-sounding than the K701's. I'm seriously considering changing my K701's for a pair of Q701's since they seem to improve upon my biggest complaint about the K701's, namely the lack of warmth! If you’re interested to see my comparison review on those two: AKG Q701 vs. K701. vs. AKG K702. AKG Q 701. vs. AKG K701. THIS CONTENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR REMOVAL AT ANY TIME. Cost-effectiveness winner. 35 points. 95 $ 149. - AKG is the first manufacturer in the world to use revolutionary flat-wire technology in headphones, namely the K701, - The result is a truly dramatic sound that places every musician at his or her correct location with pinpoint accuracy, - This kind of agility and spaciousness in addition to brilliant highs and velvety, punchy bass is simply miraculous, - These superlative open-back dynamic headphones provide an outstanding accurate sound and excellent imaging, - Evolutionary flat-wire voice-coil technology for extremely accura te sound and transient response. Sound-wise, they perform better in the bass and treble range, while the Q701 have a more even mid-range. It believe this is the best AKG I've heard to date. }); AKG K701 - AKG is the first manufacturer in the world to use revolutionary flat-wire technology in headphones, namely the K701 - The result is a truly dramatic sound that places every musician at his or her correct location with pinpoint accuracy 21 points. 41 Punkte. I will give my recommendation for the Q701 by the end of this article, so stay tuned! Expect an honest, textured, and detailed signature. read Hey there friend, and Welcome aboard!! Preisleistungssieger. Maybe a slight difference in bass response as a result of the Q graphic blocking more of the open back. Hello,I have been struggling with a decision which is where to get a Beyerdynamic DT990 PRO, Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 or a AKG K-701, the primary use of which will be gaming 70% (all genre of games), music 20% (mainly dubstep, alternative modern rock and some pop) and films 10%. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. AKG K701. #ptp-367 div.ptp-item-container{border-radius:0;padding:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0}#ptp-367 div.ptp-item-container div{margin:0}#ptp-367 div.ptp-plan{border-top-right-radius:0;border-top-left-radius:0;font-size:1em;padding:.9375em 1.25em}#ptp-367 div.ptp-price{font-size:1.25em;padding:.9375em 1.25em}#ptp-367 div.ptp-cta{border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;padding-top:1.25em;padding-bottom:1.25em}#ptp-367 a.ptp-button{border-radius:0;font-size:1em;color:#fff;background-color:#3498db;border-bottom:#2980b9 4px solid;margin:0}#ptp-367 a.ptp-button:hover{background-color:#2980b9}div#ptp-367 .ptp-highlight a.ptp-button{color:#fff;background-color:#e74c3c;border-bottom:#c0392b 4px solid}div#ptp-367 .ptp-highlight a.ptp-button:hover{background-color:#c0392b}#ptp-367 div.ptp-bullet-item{font-size:.875em;padding:.9375em .5em .9375em .5em}#ptp-367 div.ptp-most-popular{border-radius:0;font-size:.9em}. Update: I've since done the bass mod and the bass is now hitting lower. $('.ptp-plan').matchHeight(false); Comparison JavaScript is disabled. Den virker også å være enklere å drive. Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition $ 215. – What AKG K701 and Q701 can offer to you Please note - I've unintentionally grouped the Q701 and K701 together - yet they are different from one another. 3,307-word post, approx. The K712 also come with a pouch and a coiled cable, but not a 20-foot cable like the Q701. vs. AKG K702. As it has been mentioned above, the prominent difference between these two models are the sound, detachable cord, and the slightly improved padding. 19 Punkte. At the other hand, the Q model is said to be sound more musical and fuller without the hardness, which means it has a little fuller bass and less harshness in the highs like in K model. In our opinion, both of them are great pair of headphone and you may already have your favorite model. At the other hand, K701 model is the company old models for they are already exist since around 2003. Imaging: I recently read a piece on angled pads and driver location in relation of the ear canal. Before we get into the Sennheiser HD600 vs. AKG K701, grab a snack, sit back and relax because… You’ve come to the right place!! Both of AKG K701 and Q701 sound great; the K model is generally well balanced throughout the frequency range as well as detailed. 35 Punkte. $('.ptp-row-id-'+index).matchHeight(false); $('.ptp-bullet-item').each(function( index ){ All in all, the decision is all yours to make. Wide open and more neutral than you would expect. Comparison winner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this article, we are going to give you information about: The padding is formed in 3-D and ergonomically shaped, so you can wear it for many hours without feeling uncomfortable. AKG K701 and Q701 Abilities 4-5 min. Both headphones, In the article below, we will discuss about the differences of AKG K702 vs AKG Pro Audio. Bonjour à tous, les spécialistes du casque vont pourvoir me conseiller dans le choix d’un AKG.-K701 et K702 avec son câble détachable-Q701 Je n’ai pu écouter aucun de ces casques, impossible dans la région, mais le HD650 (rival en termes de prix et qualité) m’ayant bien déçu je me tourne vers un AKG. This improvement is warmly welcomed by the older version users because now at least you can easily swap your cable when it’s broken rather than purchasing a new headphone. Home > Headphones comparison > AKG K701 vs Audio-Technica ATH-M50x. So more damping could contribute to the sound differences? But if you use this in a studio, you will notice the highs can get quite high. Your email address will not be published. These headphones are loved by many people for their sound quality and comfort, which is among the top in the market. – AKG K701 vs Q701. In a glance, the padding of these headphones look the same but the company claimed Q701 padding is improved in design to further enhance it comforts. Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. How in-tune you are with what you are missing might be the only thing to prompt you into that next purchase. However, the minus of both headphones is still the same. Audio-Technica ATH-M50x $ 237. The piercing highs have been tamed, and the bass is slightly boosted. AKG K702 ¿Por qué es AKG K701 mejor que AKG K702? $('.ptp-price').matchHeight(false); Which is why we visit Headfi...in order to continue the madness. The K version was actually released earlier than the Q models; there is no clear reason why the model named Q, but there are some suggestion telling it is to shorten Quincy Jones version. Day Green, You love it. 50 points. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Some stores have a good return policy and will let you return them. Besides its poor/nonexistent ability to block outside noise, they also can’t keep your music just for you because the leakage level is the type that makes you doesn’t want to wear them in the presence of others. The high-end AKG's have always been cheaper than the equivalent Sennheisers. Added Video Discussion! vs. AKG Q 701. vs. Overall sound: The K7XX soundly trump the Q701's on SQ. I'm seriously considering changing my K701's for a pair of Q701's since they seem to improve upon my biggest complaint about the K701's, namely the lack of warmth! 아무래도 사전에 조사하지않고 구매했다보니 장력이쌔서 귀가아프거나.. 예전에 k701의 청음 후기에서 언급했지만, akg는 플래그쉽 헤드폰을 내놓은지가 무척 오래 됐습니다. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Yes, all changes could be hearable ... tuning with different damping is a good way to get a good sounding, just checked the service manual, these foam pads dont seem to be on either the K701 or Q701 manuals... Weird.. Not sure why they would not account for that part on the Q701 manual. The K712 also have better frequency consistency, especially in the bass range. In this version the frustrating problem is solved and AKG put 1/4 inch jack plug in an oxygen free copper cables. But I wouldn't say it's better, or that I like it better. Article/link cleanup. When talking about headphone, the most important thing must be the sound. 15 in the referenced PDF) is part of the driver housing, not the foam disks. vs. AKG K712 Pro. Any genre of music will suffice with these puppies, but… Bass-heads: Avoid. vs. AKG K702. Habe nur gerade keine Kamera zur Verfügung und möchte euch nicht mit den Handy-Bildern quälen. Tiene altavoz estéreo incorporado? Greetings friend and Welcome aboard!! AKG is the first manufacturer in the world to use revolutionary flat-wire technology in headphones, namely the K701. [Review] AKG K701 vs. Q701 - ist der Q701 der "bessere" K701? vs. Sennheiser HD 599. vs. AKG Q 701. vs. Shure SRH240A. but thy are almost $ 100 cheaper. The Q model is better in sound for the fuller bass and less hardness in the highs. Both models in this article are not an ANC, so you shouldn’t expect some good noise cancelling from them because they just simply didn’t built for that purpose. While the Q701 does have more bass than the K701, it’s still lean. Now, let’s compare AKG K701 with AKG Q701. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. thenothingapp.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to thenothingapp.com (amazon.com, amazonsupply.com, or myhabit.com). For many people, AKG K701 and Q701 probably seem like the same headphone. }); The reason why it still around these days is because the beautiful sound, perfect design, and great comfort that hardly found altogether in many similar headphones out there. AKG K701 VS K702 VS Q701 求教~,最近想购入另一个耳机 想选AKG K701或q701 想问一下有没有什么却别,然后有没有好的功放配?现有E9+E11,用来配hd598的,想问一下需不需要再另配一个功放?谢谢了~ ...,视听发烧,分享区-产品开箱与用户体验的分享 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 But base on the simple comparison above, we can see that AKG Q701 is the better option here. CERTAIN CONTENT THAT APPEARS IN THIS SITE COMES FROM AMAZON SERVICES LLC. What I will bring you in this review. Home > Kopfhörer Vergleich > AKG K701 vs Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition. AKG´s go down somewhere between 10-20 Khz. About AKG K701 and Q701 Note: This video does review the K701, comparing it to the Q701. Beats Solo Pro. - Patented varimotion two layer diaphragm for sparkling highs and accurate bass response. AKG K701. Briefly, I'll just say for now that the Q701 is a bit warmer and sweeter sounding. Kan ikke forstå at Anonym ikke har hørte dette, for han har vel hørt ting før han uttaler seg skråsikkert? 6/4/20. AKG has produced many high-quality microphones and headphones that are loved by the market. akg-q701-premium-class-reference-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line, http://www.akg.com/site/powerslave,id,7,nodeid,7,_language,EN,cat,11.html. Do the Sennhaisers worth th extra bucks? Your email address will not be published. 2- AKG K701 / 702 I`ll be using them to check my mixes, Fxs, pans, etc The Sennheiser`s are a bit expensive but the freq. Finde heraus welches besser ist und dessen gesamt Leistung in der Kopfhörer-Bestenliste. Before we get into the Best Headphone Amp for the AKG (I haven't heard the 812). The AKG K712 PRO are slightly better headphones than the AKG Q701. For $200 [http://amzn.to/1qCdFsI] you get two LONG cables and 1/4" adapter. © 2001-2021 Head-Fi.org. 21 Punkte. I have found that it doesn't matter the can, amp or source, rather the experience. AKG K701 vs Q701 I see K701, 702 and Q701's go for around $200 all the time, if you know where to look. For this article, I will do a quick and dirty comparison, and then link to my official recommendation towards the end! Ver más detalles ... Hand Woven Pure ExtraFine Merino Wool Headband Cushion For AKG Q701 K701 K702 K712 K601 K603 K612 Headphone Top Head Band: $9.21: Consigue la oferta: Credit to my boy @Metal571. $('.ptp-cta').matchHeight(false); You may also swap the cable in this model according to your need and the comfort is slightly enhanced to make it more wearable for long listening. This actually makes them a lot more versatile and prevents the sound from being too boring like the K701. Don’t expect to be blown away. AKG K701. AKG K701 vs AKG K702. Amazon.com: AKG Q 701 Quincy Jones Signature Reference-Class … Note: this is an earlier serial (but not earliest) Austrian 7 bump K701 vs. modern Chinese 8 bump Q701 comparison. Because both iterations of the K701 (Austrian and Chinese) have a very unique sound signature. I used to have a pair of K601's that I got for $160. 38 points. – What are AKG K701 and Q701 00. Another difference that put these two in different position is the detachable cable, because we know the old AKG K701’s cable can’t be detached. If you don’t mind about the higher price, we will highly recommend you AKG Q701. Check him out on Twitter! In this article, we will compare their premium studio headphones, AKG K712 $('.ptp-button').matchHeight(false); The cardan piece (No.

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