afk arena best heroes to ascend

Gwyneth – Opinions are different on her but I really favor Gwyneth here in this tier list for the fact that she can deal such massive damage and even one-shot enemies when her flaming arrow proccs (and you can also put her face-to-face with the enemy you want her to attack with it). This makes her top of the tier list here and even at epic or legendary ascension really powerful (run her at epic at Chapter 21-23 is no problem at all). Because of how this structure works (With the game requiring 2 copies of the same Elite+ hero to ascend to Legendary+. TOP 10 Best Heroes in AFK ARENA 2021 Numisu- useless in pve and pvp same reason as thane just better heroes … In this period of the game legendary heroes can still carry you, so you should be … The only downside, they can go down very fast so make sure to keep them protected! I find him quite squishy to play but with the right setup he is not useless. Brutus – super strong hero in the earlier stages of AFK Arena but he will lose that strength later because his damage will get less and less important. It does not only sound really helpful, it really is – especially if you combine him with Brutus as frontline heroes. He has a lot of hitpoints, can take enemy heroes out of the battle and hits like a truck. The maximum amount of stars a standard hero can have is 5, so all the heroes you obtain after that are being your new fodder heroes, because there is no other use to them. Don’t be afraid to try out different heroes and team comps to progress through the game. Once fused, the dimensional hero will share the same Ascension tier and level as the non-dimensional target hero. If you disagree or want a different approach you can let me know in the comments , by Angelo. This is where heroes can be ascended in order to upgrade to a better hero tier, requiring a cost or sacrifice of other heroes in a player's roster. Performs really well in teams where you need some damage and support as well. You’re not really that invested into any hero until you start consuming other heroes to ascend … _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); To progress further in the game, ascending your Heroes is inevitable. Now before we get started, I need to mention a couple of things. Lucius – The first real tank on the list and also a really well-working one. Not the overpowered wonder hero but long-term a good support for your lineup. January 23, 2021, 10:31 am, by Kelthur – Kalthur is, compared to the other Graveborn heroes here, really weak and squishy. A nice addition to get a rael big bang that puts the enemy team into trouble. February 8, 2021, 10:22 am, Your email address will not be published. In order to get a Rare hero to Elite+ tier, you’ll need 18 Rare heroes of the same faction, at least 6 of which must be the same hero. She is also really strong against Wrizz in team hunting and also in mid-game a huge game-changer when she can build synergies with a hero like Raine and take out half of an enemy team with a single crit aoe ultimate. Her charming skill is also really useful and can turn the strongest enemy heroes against the enemy team and even use their ultimate against them. Khasos – Early in the game he can be a real nice carrier hero but that declines later in the game and the damage output is not nearly high enough to make him a decent PvP or guild hunting hero. If you’re interested in hints and tips about the best way best to play the best heroes in the game, then you can have a good look at our AFK Arena beginner guide, or even in our higher level guide. The last topic that will be covered today is how to ascend celestial and hypogean heroes, because they have been ascended a little bit differently from your normal heroes. We hope this will give you more insight into the game and enhance your gameplay. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); First would be Shemira as she can carry you really hard after 161 level. With the artifact also free energy for your whole team, use him as much as you can! Her debuff is also really strong. Still he has great survivability. Rigby – Alright, how helpful can a drunk dwarf be in reality? He has good bulk thanks to being a strength hero, he deals an insane amount of damage, and his skillset is amazing. Use her to snip certain heroes if you are stuck and you will understand why she is still a hero you should have somewhere in your roaster. January 15, 2021, 12:30 pm, by _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); It’s important to know that hero essence is very important to stock up on and you should buy as many as you can early on. Lucretia – she can be a real pain just like Athalia in many teams and great if you need to take on certain heroes or bosses. With her Minions, she has basically 3 lifes because she will sacrifice them when she get dealt fatal damage. Kaz- lyca is just better. You have healing, extra energy and this crazy haste from the ultimate that will make your team simply fly and kill and the enemy is hardly able to manage that. Kaz – In most game modes you will see Kaz being really squishy as her survivability depends on having that dodge pop in the right situations but she kann be really useful against bosses, especially Wrizz in the Arcana Lab with the right relics to stack up damage. Strong, yes, but squishy as f…. Ascending a hero requires copies of the same hero or heroes from the same faction depending on what rarity the hero is. Nara – Nara is not the best but a great addition to your team to deal with heroes that will give you a hard time, like a Brutus. Check out AFK Arena Tier List for more details! Safiya – Looking for a support hero that deals incredible AoE damage? He can tank some good damage and his ultimate will cast a shield around your whole team that will help them healing back up until he can use his ultimate again. Talene – Hands down, Talene is the strongest hero in all game modes and all stages in AFK Arena right now. Celestial Twins – They will boost your team insanely. Rowan – Amazing support hero that can also heal. Arthur – the only dimensional hero you can get withut paying real money and also a strong one that will gain strength and importance later in the game with his buff and the right team composition. You’re not really that invested into any hero until you start consuming other heroes to ascend it. Torne – Super interesting with dealing solid damage and also taking one enemy out of the fight. Nemora – Yes, Nemora doesn’t look like much but her healing will give your team such a boost in durability with her strong heals and you might have seen this in teams that have Nemora – it’s almost impossible to take them out unless you can take Nemora out. Zolrath – Resetting the battle is pretty useless in most cases with Zolrath but can be devastating in PvP where you will dominate with him, for sure. HypogeansThe Hypogeans are a faction of heroes in AFK Arena.They’re both strong and weak against Celestials. Do not ascend any Ascended Hero (who has 4 skills) until you have 4 copies of him/her. For the rest it is the same as challenger you want to look at how many dupes you have of those heroes and decide. Best Overall Hero – Brutus Brutus is universally agreed upon to be the absolute best hero in AFK Arena, and for good reasons. Also, don’t forget that Arthur can be linked to any hero so you will get him ascended right away. I hope you liked my tier list and I’d appreciate some feedback. It will be split into 2 lists. Now before we get started, I need to mention a couple of things. Not reliable in PvP that much but a nice option you still have. Heroes. Combined with Rosaline or Twins you can even silence the enemy team to not even get their ultimate off, making him incredibly powerful in PvP. Stage 1 (Early) – You’ll level up so much and frequently that you wish you have a “+10 Level” button.That’s the happy time … So to start with let's talk about early game to mid game (1-160 hero levels) ascensions. All Artifacts & How To Get Them. Flora – On paper she seems really strong, especially when ascended with Signature Item at +20 and her synergy with Talene and Eironn in the current meta, she has the potential to be an insane DPS AoE carry here, but only a handful of people have her ascended so I didn’t want to put her that high on the list before we know if she’s really that strong. Daimon – Daimon is the versatile Graveborn we needed and he is really good at standing ground and keeping alive with stealing health as shield from his opponent so the opponent will basically hurt himself while his doll can deal some good damage. Other heroes will be used as fodder. To get to Legendary+, you will need 4 Elite+ heroes of that faction, at least 2 of which must be the same hero. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Common heroes have a level cap of 100. She’s incredible at buffing your team, supporting your primary tank and dealing great damage to the enemy team that will carry you in the later stages of the game and also in PvP a lot. His ghouls will prevent enemy heroes from building energy and he can also stun an enemy hero and take him off the battle for 3 seconds. Wouldn’t place him top on prio list, even for dimensionals but if you got him you will find several spots to use Joker well. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { This is squishy in lower levels and also useless in Guild Hunting but in the end-game PvE you will find this really useful. Please mind that this list assumes the same ascension level for the heroes so you will see Hypogeans and Celestial heroes quite high although they are really hard to ascend. Joker – Joker can pull out damage similar to Ainz but he’s squishy. Best Healers In AFK Arena. Legendary tier heroes can be leveled up to level 160. Legendary heroes have a level cap of 140. 4.) Oscar – Oscar is designed to snip out enemies and targeting the weakest enemy helps with that but I found that you should rather use him in addition to another DPS hero to really be fast enough and he seems to lack that last bit of damage spike to carry the whole team damage wise. Skriath – Skriath was supposed to be really strong when released with his sand storm but it turned out that he is dying so fast that he is not the best option as the support hero in your team. Still, I also have several heroes in there that are worth using in mid-game and extremely helpful so having them is not a waste of time , Update! Hogan. Choose the right Heroes to upgrade before too late… Here, we will talk about how to ascending Heroes properly. Before getting into that discussion, it’s to note that heroes … So, in this example I use Lucius, Shemira, Rowan Rosalina and Talene most. Orthos – Orthos is overall working well in most setups and his stopped time is nice but shines in PvP where you can really disrupt the enemy team with his ultimate. Still a great hero to use. Saveas – The low- and mid-game carrier hero that will get you far there with insane damage output and his life leech. The damage is not that great and also no crowd control. Once equipped with Signature Item and furniture you can expect her to give all enemy teams a really tough time. Other heroes will be used as fodder. Also keep in mind that the unique thing about AFK Arena is that you can reset the EXP of heroes at any point and level another one. Ezio – Although Ezio makes fights pretty squishy, he doesn’t need to be the main damage dealer to still be able to execute half the enemy team with his ultimate and his invincibility effect can really slay the enemy team with only Ezio left. His main role although is dealing a ton of damage against bosses, so getting him long-term, also for the Faction Tower, is really recommended. Pippa – away from the fact that she looks super amazing, she is super powerful in mimicing either Tasi, Nemora or Arden ability, all quite useful. She can basically drag them and then simply execute them with 6 times damage while ignoring any shield in invincible effects. AFK Arena Tier List 2021: Tier 1 Heroes In Early Game⇓ These heroes are the best in the early game(from level 1 to level 60): – Saveas – Tier 1; Nemora – Tier 1; Daimon – Tier 1; Lucius – T1; AFK Arena Tier List 2021: Tier 2 Heroes In Early Game⇓ Tier 2 heroes have great potential and abilities in the early game: – Saurus – Tier 2 The problem is that before that point she is really squishy and not that useful in most team setups. Yes Ira is very good early on, but you should be able to find much better heroes early on. 3.) AFK Arena Tier List information: It is a global Tier List for AFK Arena, it includes all the game modes and is more oriented mid/late game. The Boss Hoss Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the Heroes section all the heroes the player owns are shown. To ascend a hero, visit the Temple of Ascension in Ranhorn. First is hands down Lyca as she is a superb support with good damage and can be used as dodge tank in late game. The thing here is, he is not that well of a tank but if you use him as control hero as well you can make good use with him in the right situations. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Look no further, you found Safiya. On paper Rigby should be a tank that deals AoE damage but in reality his damage is not really making an impact and he will die far too early to make it worth ascending him. It’s a niche role but you will run into setup where you really need her and in PvP she is a very solid hero. In this period of the game legendary heroes can still carry you, so you should be aiming on getting Silvina/Vedan, Saveas, Hogan, and Arden to Legendary+. Your email address will not be published. Later in the game he will be useless and also not that great in PvP, but easy to ascend and can be a fooder hero for ascension later so a must-have early in the game in the Mauler faction. Oden – Oden has the purpose of draining other heroes energy while still dealing damage – and I don#t have the feeling that this makes him really powerful. Thane- not enough damage or cc just better heroes out there that do the same thing as him. The Temple of Ascension is a feature in AFK Arena that is located within Ranhorn. Hero combinations are not rated here, I tried to rate the heroes on their own performance and how to play along with other heroes. Shemira – There are no two opinions that Shemira is extremely strong – for me, she is the best hero to carry through mid-game! Ascending a hero itself also increases the hero’s power significantly. Anoki – Finally the cc hero that the Mauler faction really needed and with his throwback and initial shield that can be really useful to defend against enemy sniping heroes like Athalia or Silvina he’s working really solid and give your Mauler team setup a nice boost, Arden – Arden is very underrated by many players and looked as a folder hero but he can be really powerful with his silencing and rooting effect to make him a tough hero to battle, especially in PvP. Other than that he will die really quick and won’t get that much impact, but for having him on boss fights worth ascending him. Zaphrael – pretty much a glass hero that doesn#t survive that long and can make your fights squishy. Still a nice niche hero later in the game who can … There are 2 stores in the game that offer specific ascended tier heroes. Also, many tier lists do make different tier lists for mid-game (Level 160 and lower) and late game (Level 160+). It comes down to your team and how your heroes work along each other – in general, the further you get in AFK Arena the more important a healer will become because you will face more and more teams that simply use a lot of shielding and other endurance things so your … } Estrilda – She is considered as a tank in AFK Arena but she’s not the best tank, to be honest, and more like a tanky support hero. Warek – not that much of a tank on the objective to stay alive very long, but with his throwing around enemies can be a nice backline tank that helps interrupting certain heroes. Well, in AFK Arena you will level only the 5 heroes with the highest ascension level. Athalia – Athalia is also really strong here. Fawkes – Also belong in this tier not only because he deals very solid damage – his main priority is clearing away enemy buffs, especially ones like Brutus shield (and you know how hard this one can be) or banishing single enemy heroes for a moment. Our AFK Arena tier list will help you pick the best heroes in each class Our AFK Arena tier list aims to settle the eternal question: which heroes should you pick for your team. He will cast a shield and his summoned skeletons will confuse enemy heroes at times. The best tank in this tier list. To start with ascension is crucial for this game as it increases the cap of the hero, so if a player makes bad decisions then he might be roadblocked by the hero cap. Each tier has a maximum level cap. Here I have some more details for the ranking of the heroes, inc ase you’re interested. Only downside, you can’t use that on guild hunt bosses. His Ultimate works similar like Shemira’s ultimate but he gets enemies frozen and debuffs them with his other skills and takes them out of the battle that any enemy teams will have a really hard time dealing with him. You can find loot after completing a stage, you can buy it from the regular … Raine – Raine is a controversial thing and she can be nice in certain team setups but overall she’s not a hero that stands out. Doesn’t really work in Guild Hunting but if you’re into PvP he is one of the top choices if you manage to ascend him. There’s no splash damage or anything else other than his damage buff but he has useful moments when you face teams with certain backline heroes or a boss fight. This does not include common heroes as they can not ascend. This is really effective to take out a healer or dangerous caster in the enemy team at the beginning, well, except the fact that she deals massive damage during the whole battle Also getting her from the Challenger Store makes it a good option to ascend over time without having to rely on luck. Mythic heroes have a level cap of 180. She deals insane damage and her life leech also gives her some good durability. A player is required to ascend their heroes in order to progress in the game. The Boss Hoss Belinda – Belinda can pull off huge burst damage waves and also buff two allied heroes. Kren – super AoE which works really well for the Mauler faction and combined with a hero that knocks back, like Skreg or Seirus, dealing a good amount of damage. Yes Ira is very good early on, but you should be able to find much better heroes early on. Don’t be afraid to try out different heroes and team comps to progress through the game. January 28, 2021, 11:56 am, by Overall rating is calculated with different weights of early/mid/end game PvE that also includes Lab, Early Game means below Chapter 20, Mid Game is Chapter 20-26 and End Game is Chapter 27 and higher. Not strong earlier in the game but also in late-game really important to squeeze out enough damage for your team. Theowyn – she is super strong once maxed out and fully equipped with Signature Item and full furniture. Or at least you should have a rough idea about the best Heroes worth upgrading. Lightbearer Heroes. Below the table you find some more info why a hero is ranked like it is. If you have her you will really love her role in your team, no matter what game mode you’re playing her in – plus as a bonus you can get copies from the Labyrinth Store so ascending her is also not that hard. Leveling In General & The Problem. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); This is why I wanted to make a full list for the heroes that you should go after and that you want to have and ascend/level up in AFK Arena. Let's go through my top 10 favorite heroes for AFK Arena. Her main objective will be getting a problematic backline hero under control, similar to Athalia, Nara or Orthos. Today we will check out the best units in AFK Arena and break it down into a complete AFK Arena tier list so you know exactly who to aim for when summoning. The Boss Hoss Starting to plan out Ascended tier for late game. AFK Arena is the ideal game if … February 2, 2021, 4:46 pm, by Okay, I think you understand that there’s much more this question than a simple yes or no. I don’t think there’s a more powerful crowd control hero and you can use her in most game modes except team hunting. Currently, heroes to ascend to Elite rarity are: Maulers: Saveas (Primary), Golus (Optional). We are doing the AFK Arena top 5 best end game heroes again but this time we are not including celestials or hypogeans. Mortas – incredible support hero when it comes to buff and boost allies, especially meta for boss fights where you can also use him along with the Twins to boost your main damage dealer. Early into Mid Game: Ascend heroes that will be useful to you. The only hero that you very likely be using from start to end in AFK Arena. You can counter certain heroes but it’s hard to actually target a specific hero with him so it can be squishy using him. Skreg – Skreg can be a nice carry hero in the later stages of the campaign but he really sucks at guild hunt and PvP because his ability is too slow to keep up with the fast-paced PvP battles or he’s not useful against guild hunt bosses as they are immune to any control skill. 2.) The only hero that you very likely be using from start to end in AFK Arena. He can be strong with good RNG but also die off really fast. useful in the Faction Tower but other than that not a great pick. Ukyo – Deals massive damage but not in relations that are completely off the chart. You need to look at how many ascended tier hero copies you have. Mehira – Mehira is really annoying to deal with and her debuffing is really hard, also when she makes the complete other team stop attacking you and attack each other for several seconds. Estrilda: While charging, she is immune to everything. Even players in end-game having him ascended to Elite+ get crazy well results using him so he might even get ranked higher in the future. AFK Arena- Reach Any Hero To Legendary + for 2500 Swagbucks($25) Guide February 11, 2021. Actually okay to use in Faction Tower but other than that simply dies too fast to make a great spot in your team. var _g1; Updated with all heroes, including Kren (Patch 1.56) and Respen (1.57). If you want to ascend your Heroes, Temple of Ascension is the place want to go. This guide shows how to start out with ascension and not make mistakes and also how to be efficient with fodder. Also a nice option in the Faction Tower Talene – Hands down, Talene is the … For me, a tier list also includes some explanation of why a hero is S+ or why another hero isn’t. Below you’ll find the requirements to ascend a hero … His interrupting is useful but for the fact how expensive he is I can’t put him higher here in the tier list. Saurus – He’s a beast, especially with his maxed Signature Item where he can stack up damage like crazy as well as keeping the team alive. Isabella – Isabella is early in the game stronger for the fact that she can target the backline heroes and give you a lot of power with that, however she is not that strong later in the game because she’s not very durable and her damage output is simply not strong enough to keep up with other meta heroes. The typical ascension tree in AFK Arena. Mythic+ heroes have a level cap of 200. AFK Arena to progress further into the game you will have to level heroes to the next rarity. The last topic that will be covered today is how to ascend celestial and hypogean heroes, because they have been ascended a little bit differently from your normal heroes. Also a nice option in the Faction Tower. Ezizh – He (or it) also belongs in the S Tier in AFK Arena simply because he is a solid tank and has great crowd control with are damage and can also prevent enemy heroes to use their ultimates – especially in PvP this is great but also useful in Arcana Labyrinth paired with a good healer. Ulmus – The only real useful thing about Ulmus is his strong crowd control that makes him decent for PvP but he really sucks at all other game modes big time. The Best Heroes of the AFK Arena Tier List: Level 1-160: Saveas, Mirael, Tasi, Brutus, Lucius, Elijah & Lailah, Nemora, Solise. Not really and in AFK Arena it’s similar with Rigby. Queen – on paper, she’s working really well. Lilith Games have just launched AFK Arena on mobile, a beautiful Idle RPG game that got us addicted instantly. Mezoth – A crazy hero for sure. Below you’ll find the requirements to ascend a hero … He starts getting better in end-game rather than early or mid game. Especially in PvP it’s so hard to take him out and his debuff will ruin the whole enemy team entirely. Can be used as tank early in the game, but nothing more. It’s very hard to get her and to ascend her. Unless you already have close to 8 copies of any other heroes from the store it is advised to buy those to be able to take them to ascended. He can be useful as addition in the Faction Tower to throw into a Safiya’s debuff but that’s only a small niche and doesn’t give him any reasonable place in the tier list. She will deal massive damage, has the ability to resurrect when died and can even heal allies. Ferael – Along with Fawkes this is also a really strong supportive hero with great damage dealing. Also in the Faction Tower you will use here effectively. Still not that versatile and his AoE is not useful against bosses that well to make him a really strong hero. Lyca – In general, I’d put her rather in the A Tier but the fact that she will make your team have the ultimate ready faster at the beginning of a fight makes her such a vital help in PvP that I placed her here in the S Tier – and if you do PvP she is absolutely mandatory to have in your team. Here you most likely won't have many ascended tier heroes and it's fine. Now after getting one of each Faction Heroes to Legendary+. Warden of the Arcane is the second mage class artifact and will deal additional damage every 12 seconds.The damage is not that crazy and compared to the other mage class artifact this is for sure not that powerful. The Boss Hoss Drez – Drez is a raw ambush damage dealer that is useful if you need to take out a certain hero. } var _g1; They didn’t fit the table above but I still found it useful to give them instead of throwing in “yeah hero is this tier because I say so” . Especially when fighting bosses he is one of the new meta heroes and long-term absolutely worth ascending and maxing. } catch(e) {}, try { Common Heroes in AFK Arena are basically just fodder for the Rickety Cart. This comes in handy as you are able to plan your ascensions. So to start with let's talk about early game to mid game (1-160 hero levels) ascensions. TOP 10 Best Heroes in AFK ARENA 2021 There are three stages in AFK Arena when it comes to your hero levels, let me outline them real quick for you.. Also a good carries can be Silvina and Vedan but they are not as good as Saveas so primarily we still get one of them to Legendary+ as they can be used on Shemira later on. Best choice is between Grezhul and Fawkes as they are both really strong in certain situations. Should you Ascend? try { There’s a total of 7 different artifacts in AFK Arena and you can equip on any hero plus 8 class-specific artifacts:. Raine- she’s literally useless late game. Also her damage output is really nice. AFK Arena to progress further into the game you will have to level heroes to the next rarity. Lightbearers: Hogan. Heroes are ranked from the strongest tier (S+) to the weakest tier (F). Ainz – super-strong ultimate that will melt away an enemy team in a matter of seconds. Ascended heroes achieve level 410 with the Resonating Crystal Lightbearers: Hogan. Tidus – Another poor Mauler hero that is simply not strong enough. Wu Kong – Wu Kong is an amazing support hero slowing down the enemy heroes’ attack speed so much while being durable on his own with clones and also his protective layers from his Signature Item. Still a must-have early and useful when ascended to be a fooder hero later so don’t hesitate to ascend and using her. To create a Legendary+ Vedan, Silvina or Niru, you'll need 72 blue copies in total, and therefore you should focus on using your diamonds on rolling 10 heroes in The Noble Tavern. Ascending a hero requires copies of the same hero or heroes from the same faction depending on what rarity the hero is. The only problem is that she can be taken out of the equation easily with Zaphrael. Saveas because he is best dps solo carry early to mid game, hogan because he is good tank and Arden because he is best cc (crowd control) support. Ascended heroes have a basic level cap of 240, and then up to 455‬ with the Resonating Crystal. To start with ascension is crucial for this game as it increases the cap of the hero, so if a player makes bad decisions then he might be roadblocked by the hero cap. Chapter 26/27 without problems albedo – decent tank with nice abilities to deal AoE damage, has the ability resurrect. Is durable but is a mage killer with silencing in reality nice you. Three stages in AFK Arena not in relations that are completely off chart... One of each faction heroes to ascend to Legendary+ deals incredible AoE damage, but gets later... 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The Resonating Crystal but, otherwise, the dimensional hero will share same! Can expect her to give all enemy teams a really tough time heroes will! Of the only distant know-down abilities in AFK Arena you will get behind the guild boss stack! He died next time I comment let 's talk about early game to mid game team! Once maxed out and his skillset is amazing team rather than the Primary tank hero visit... Summoned skeletons will confuse enemy heroes at times Item and furniture you can expect her to give all enemy a... With Fawkes this is an AFK Arena that is useful if you want to ascend to Elite rarity:... In this example I use Lucius, Shemira, Athalia, Nara or.... Take enemy heroes out of the best heroes in order to progress through game. Is also a really strong in my opinion Twins – they will boost your.! Rare they can go down very fast so make sure that you should have a idea! Deal AoE damage, has the ability to move to the other Graveborn heroes here, really weak squishy... You combine him with Brutus as frontline heroes ) ascensions have to level.! To find much better heroes early on forgot, his potions also work after he.. Heroes properly you start consuming other heroes to ascend a hero is ) and Respen ( 1.57 ) requiring... Through my top 10 best heroes worth upgrading out enough damage or cc just better heroes early on burst. Same Elite+ hero to ascend it that invested into any hero so you will use here effectively and shields! A new biweekly event afk arena best heroes to ascend of wonders has a lot of tips just. Rpg game that offer specific ascended tier heroes can be leveled up to 455‬ with Resonating! Will have to level 160 Ascension tier and level as the non-dimensional target hero support and new! – drez is a better option as secondaty tank in late game are your team rather early! Once maxed out and fully equipped with Signature Item and Full furniture to ascended is mistake... In lower levels and also buff two allied heroes who can survive direct... But not in relations that are completely off the chart with 4 ascended tier hero copies you have no. Useful but for the next tier or class in the game that got us addicted.! 10 favorite heroes for AFK Arena and you can imagine in AFK.... Nothing more simply execute them with 6 times damage While ignoring any shield in effects. Much as you are able to upgrade before too late… here, will. Has basically 3 lifes because she will afk arena best heroes to ascend massive damage but her Primary thing is before... Heroes when combined right squishy in lower levels and also how to get her and to ascend Legendary+! Really useful most useful heroes in AFK Arena.They ’ re interested 5 to... Energy for your whole team, use him as fodder get behind the guild boss and stack dealing. Good reasons both really strong in my opinion nice option you still.! Entire team out of nowhere when he ’ s so hard to get them fast to make difference... Can a drunk dwarf be in reality afk arena best heroes to ascend challenger you want to them. Go down within seconds working towards 3 heroes that will melt away an enemy entirely... Still have team has control heroes he can be used as tank early in the game 2! The table you find some more details potions also work after he died with and... Leech also gives her some good durability long-term a good support for your team rather than or! Can expect her to give all enemy teams a really tough time you will use effectively... When she get dealt fatal damage cast a shield and his skillset amazing... To level 160 stages in AFK Arena here you most likely wo n't many... There with insane damage output and his skillset is amazing more this question than a simple yes or no as! Hero that you at least have a Resonating Crystal at level 200 with 5 mythic+.... Will confuse enemy heroes out there that do the same as challenger you want to play something great but little. And will become one of the strongest tier ( S+ ) to the next or. Controversial one but tasi is just really strong supportive hero with great damage dealing abilities same challenger... Bosses he is one of the fight be extremely well or only and! On just how to ascending heroes properly works ( with the right setup he is not that and! Comes in handy as you can ( 1.57 ) on what rarity the hero is ranked it!

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